Ignoring a Game's ToS

According to the book, all imps had contract magic. essentially, he could do almost anything to someone if they agreed to it, usually in exchange for some kind of favor. the contracts didn't let cris alter reality.

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Filling the Void - Chapter Sixteen

And if you own his contract," he said, feeling as if he were selling a horse, "you can roll today's losses back into his buyout."

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A new way to live

Achaius looked at the fat contract in surprise then asked, "you think i should give myself away as a pet?"


The Birth of Kiara

"yeah," replied nala as the pain began to subside, "it was just a-" and then the contractions hit her. nala collapsed to her side, crying out in pain. "nala!" simba cried.

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1:4 Loyalties

"what did they contract you for?" hets asked in a demanding tone. "are you kidding me?" alias asked, giving hets a flabbergasted look. "do you really think i'm going to tell you that?"

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Land of the Lawless: Chapter 1

So, atalanta went through the appropriate channels and looked through all the contracts after giving in her details. all were bounties, as befits a bounty hunter. some wanted dead, some wanted alive, some were either.

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Puffy Poofy Kiwi and ze Ouchy Oofy Egg

Big oofy contracting of sensitive place! she squawk, she screamed! it too much! she want to die! poor oofy poofy birdy feel contraction to no end. it just hurt. there no way to the other side.

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Chosen of the Sea [2nd Person TF(TG)]

The contract has been sealed! arise to your your new duties as guardian of the sea! contract? what? the effects of the magic had fully lifted and clarity was beginning to return. you look over yourself with wide eyes at your new body and attire.

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Tina's Story Chapter 52 The Great DMV Walkout of 2009

But ray knew his union contract... "i am exercising my right under the collective bargaining agreement to consult with a union rep." that's not permitted; you must leave imediately..."

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Impulsive job change

She took it and entered the information from it on her computer, a minute later she printed out a contract form. "fill in the details.

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Polaris: Chapter 1 Episode 1

Our leader has permits, licenses and certifications that allow him to run his own private military contracting firm." "so it isn't vigilante justice," the surgeon surmised on his own. "these people pay for contracts."

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The Adventurers

It'd been such a neat little contract. within a generation, the somerfells would instead lay claim over half a million acres.

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