The creatures must be using burrows like these to hide in," twinkaleni illuminates.
"yeah, that's how come they keep disappearin'.
Fox, Hunting, Lizard, Magic, Mouse, survival
Behind us the desert creatures sought their burrows to wait out the fall and winter that were coming. as we went north our fire scales began to fall out.
Dragon, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding
**edge name** _[requirement]_ (description)
**animal** _[racial background]_ (+2 to notice when using scent, as well as burrowing, wall walker, or similar)
**aquatic** [racial background] (cannot drown in water, moves at full swimming skill, free d6 swimming
Roleplay, Roleplaying
I started to walk along the meadow and nodded at each fox that poked there head out of there burrow to see me.
it was like everyone i knew became foxes and we have built some surprisingly advanced civilization. that alone is enough for a good story!
Fox, Pregnant, Vixen
Our kids loved the snow, they would have wars with the other draglings by burrowing under the snow and attacking from behind,they always started fights and always lost.
"go away,he moaned,i'm not home."
Adventure, Dragon, Fantasy, Military, Science Fiction
He could feel the strength and power burrowing into his mind, desiring to let him just indulge in it, to lose his mind into the frenzy of it all.
but no, that was not his intent, it never had been.
Dragon, Fantasy, Fire, Flash Fiction, Male, Transformation, ilkarin
The wolf turned to see a dozen bugs burrowing in the cracks of one of the wounded soldiers. the soldier continued to scream while the bugs burrowed into his flesh as well.
Battle, Blood, Death, Gore, Male, Wolf, pack
Kioko lives in a burrow in the woods, and does not understand many concepts many of us take for granted. two examples: money, and the fact that she was being propositioned for sex.
Atrele kasha, Kioko
He cursed himself for not thinking of burrowing stefan's camera, maybe then-
garret nearly jumped as stefan laughed behind him.
"jesus fucking christ, do do that!"
"it's payback for you sneaking on me."
Love, Male/Male, Opossum, Romance, Wolf