Dang... I had a weird dream

Story by nitro_wolf on SoFurry

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Alright guys, so last night I had this dream and I just had to share it with you guys

If I keep having weird dreams like this, I'll make a series about them

Just out of curiosity... How many of you have dreams like this?

It was dark and I could only just see that I was in something resembling a room but underground and and made of dirt, rocks, roots and such. I started to walk down a tunnel that brought me to the dull sunlight and a meadow that was dotted with purple flowers and some other tunnels along the sides of the meadow. I kept thinking *'today is really important! I hope it works-out!' * I didn't know what was so important at this point.

Comparable to a camera shift in a movie. The view of the dream shifted from first person to a side view in third person and I saw myself, but I wasn't me... In my dream, I was a fox! I had black fur and the tip of my tail was white meaning I was a silver fox. I started to walk along the meadow and nodded at each fox that poked there head out of there burrow to see me.

It was like everyone I knew became foxes and we have built some surprisingly advanced civilization. That alone is enough for a good story!

I came to a dark, densely wooded area and I broke into a full sprint. Shadows of foxes that I seemingly did not want to catch me would come just into sight, never coming close enough for me to see there coloration.

Maybe the civilization wasn't perfect!

I didn't stop running until I broke into another meadow, this one was dotted with yellow flowers. I only had enough time to catch my breath when a when a white fox walked up to me.

I didn't think anyone was going to say anything in this dream, but this white fox that I somehow knew to be a vixen asked "are you the fox that is going to help us get a new den?"

I said "yes... that would be me" and I sat down.

"good!" she said "we want a new den before our kits are born" the view shifted to a typical red fox that I assumed to be the dad.

"The woods isn't a place for a vixen to travel" I said "make it worst your pregnant"

That red fox walked over to us and said "You have a point... and if we want to live in the same meadow as him, we have to go through the woods"

I cant remember what happened for a second there, but when I could remember it again we where slowly walking through the woods with ten or so foxes sounding the white vixen to make sure she was going to be safe.

I highly doubt foxes would do that in real life!

Next thing I know the view was a cut-away of a fox den and me, the vixen and that red fox crawling through it. The white vixen looked at the red fox and started jumping up and down. She turned to face me and said "We'll take it!"

I said "I look forward to seeing you around" and left there den. I told the foxes that escorted us here that they are staying and they may go home.

I woke-up what felt like seconds later, for once I was awake before my alarm woke me. I thought 'that was a interesting dream'

A fur at Freddy's: Christmas nightmare (part 5)

The plush of SpringBonnie just sat there and I knew it would... I walked over to it and picked it up than put it on the " **X**" I flicked my flashlight on it and what do you know, my nightmare started at 2 A.M. I went to the kitchen and got some ice...

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Remember summer?

 In this NEW story a Samoyed named Greyson and a husky, German Shepherd mix named Keven remember summer in the dead of winter. Keven gets very sick and orders some medicine to help, but the truck that is delivering it gets stuck and Greyson has to...

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