Ideas for future stories
Not with judy, not out of a sense of love towards wildehopps or anything, but because it'd be too obvious and, frankly, she's just too damn small (the marine would be big enough to look at bogo).
The Zootopian Experiment. Chapter 5
Carrots said, "i would highly suggest that you do the report, remember chief bogo would have your skin." i answered, " i will do it later, i just want to enjoy myself right now."
Zootopia: Time Is Immaterial
When chief bogo asks them to meet up with him at the museum, what will they find? why is this happening? is nature taking over?
Adira Clawhauser Chapter 12
bogo paused to see the rhino nod, 'about clawhauser.' 'what about him?' 'you can't just ditch him like that, no matter how bad he is.'
Zombies are Wankers: Time for Some Backstory (ASH AND CHIP ARE NOW RECURRING CHARACTERS!)
What about you, bogo?" "i'm bored too. plus, there's a lot of things about sheer that i feel need explaining." then sheer said "i'll wait for our guests to tell us about themselves."
Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 12
How stupid have i been for not to figure the severity of it the moment bogo told us!
Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 14
And i will make sure to talk to bogo about rewarding you properly.- he said to the group, who barely waited until the raccoon had left to shout in delight at the news.
Judy would turn away from nick before she said, "we have to let bogo know about this." "they are not here to hurt anyone, they are simply here to resolve the turmoil that has emerged due to our previous mayor.
Guardian Blue: Who Writes This?! - Chapter 1
"satisfied that you can clearly see bogo's point. we can't hit the streets while you going savage on a bear is viral on zootube and chitter." nick explained. judy visibly winced at the comment about going savage.
The Risen Curtain - Chapter 12: Magic Nonsense
bogo remained still, and he looked at the wolf. "officer fanghanel..." the buffalo said to the wolf.
Guardian Blue: Thanks for the Fox - Chapter 5
bogo responded back with a simple " \>: } " emoticon that made judy actually shake to hold back her laughter. it was not the kind of thing she expected from the hardened buffalo.
Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 6
Who would say that bogo would actually care so much to do that!- said nick with astonishment in his voice. he knew the buffalo for a while now, and he always treated personal issues as not important.