DU Chapter 1 - It's Degonyale, NOT Dragonscale

He said, and beckoned with a claw. "come, you must not be late. your representative is eager to meet you, da?" he said, and instead of going out to the front of the airport, we went back out to the airfield. "uhm, i never got your name, sir."

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Astral High - Chapter 44

The shadow reached a hand out across the wall, and made a gesture as if beckoning me to follow. it moved down the hall, still flat to the wall, and i followed it to the stair well.

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Ariving at Nowhere Hotel

A soft loving voice whispers from the beast, the voice is broken as if the words were spoken through an aluminum can "headsmen." she beckons "it is time to go home." the reaper-like rabbit moans in a wanting tone.

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Serval and Sheep Prologue: SIDE SHEEP

Principal house claps his clawed hands together and beckons the serval, seated a few rows behind me on the stage, to come up to the podium. the auditorium almost shakes with applause. well, we all knew that was coming.

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Not So Friendly

Brush, he beckoned friendly to come out of the water. "let's go and have a drink. i'm thirsty." -- friendly and timothy sat together on a bench as they sucked on the little plastic straws in their juice boxes.

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Light Bane: Chapter 26

Avila smiled, then beckoned azureath to follow her. the azure dragon, still overwhelmed by the youngling's death, did not respond at first. but then, xilotl saw her and said, "don't be sad, azure one. it's all my fault, after all."

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"i made this," the old man beckoned the other two of his companions over to his side, but only the child came over, laughing lightly at bolro's antics.

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The Valley of Echoes

With ease, she was enthralled by the beckoning spirits, as if hands of ethereal beings lifted her body from the ground and let her lay upon a cushion of never ending dreams.

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Pt 2 - The Druid's Hut

She beckoned him to follow. "many things, but first... cleaning you up." she started to skip, and he plodded along behind, wondering what she had in store.

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Drunk like a skunk

He turned back toward the being, and saw that it was gesturing, beckoning him to come closer.

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The diggers themselves were visibly shaken, beckoning luke closer with nervous movements.

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King of Spades

The back door popped open and an, if i may say beautiful, white fox beckoned me in. i was tired of being rained on so i got in. the door slammed shut and the caddie drove on. "alright, i came so where's that black panther?" i asked.

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