Armor Tesing

The armors would be in the same car for security reasons. the technicians pushed carts that had the phalanx and the paladin unit four on them. the armors were in pieces, as an added security feature and for smaller space occupied.

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The Second Sundering: Chapter 3

But what stood out to the fox was the armour sitting nearly on the rack. at first, he thought it was clothing; but looking at it, he saw the armour woven in.

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MLP-Sanrose- A New World

"but, um... may i have my armor and shirt back?" after having my clothing and armor returned to i, shining armor left us to take care of other duties.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Fifteen

He noticed his armor and clothes were missing due to the coldness in the medical wing but it was nowhere near as cold as the storm was even with his armor on. _what am i doing on_ drach'n fury_?

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Dragon Charity Work Part 1

Long after the moon had graced the skies, caelin moved the slayer's armor far from the den.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 12 (Moving On)

I turned to see jovani carrying kaldor's armour. kaldor was not one for armour, benders of master rank and higher rely on our bending skills more than we armed combat and so usually forgo heavy armour.

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The Bloodless Soldier

And this time it wasn't a line, it was a cloud, and when it touched my armour the armour fizzled and crackled, but then i felt it touch my skin, and it burnt, it burnt with cold so chill i could see steam pour from my flesh.

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Sunset Bound

Another roar shook the sky and the suits of armour began to shake and tremble, odd lights flickered across their skins as they began to glow. the glow suddenly went out and the armoured suits collapsed as one into the street.

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Zoan - Part one - Chapter 1 and chapter 2

Now take your new armor, its not much, but its what we made for you" the old man said as he handed scorpion the armor, but he then pulled out that katana he had hidden and cuts the armor in half, slaying the old man as well.

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Release The Dragon

Even with their armor shattered fang and tamati were still a match for andross as he activated guns hidden in the arena that fired on the two of them creating a cloud of dust.

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Nether Encyclopaedia: the Celestials

Clothing:- battle frames: their battle armor resemble certain types of musical instrument that are exclusive to a few, which amplifies their sound abilities and magic.

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Saber's War - Chapter 3: Assignments

With a clang the clamps lock him down and the arms of the armor rack start to disassemble the armor from around him.

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