Leurheart II (Chapter 3)

She too happens to be a former apprentice of rilder and according to raynald she is also an ex minstrel, but she later on got addicted to power and abandoned her old ways in exchange for a greater dark power.

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Jar Jar's Bizarre Adventure - Exodus - Chapter 2

"come, my young apprentice," the older man said, "you catch more flies with honey." "actually, you catch the most flies with manure," i interjected. i broke off a massive splinter of wood and restlessly tapped it against the air.

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Olevion Chpt1 - Zephyr and Keres

He was muttering somatic components as he ran past some apprentices tasked by some master to fetch chickens. he caught one with his boot and stumbled, his train of thought derailing causing him to let loose a surge of energy.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Nine

_ he looked me in the eyes, finished his water, then asked, "how long have you been my apprentice?" my cheeks turned blue with anger. "answer my question!" "you first."

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The Origins of Crola, the Snake Sorcerer (Naga Snake TF)

Crola is working as an apprentice for a wizard named lus, although he is just mostly cleaning the house the two are living in. crola's mother dropped him off to the wizard, but for an unknown purpose.

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Dragons Never Burn (Prologue Idea)

My apprentice is the future. he has power beyond belief. he has a brilliant mind, he's caring, he protects those he cares about most. a perfect, monstrous, abomination. his power has only brought him to insanity.

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Blood in the Soil, Gaze to the Stars (Otherwise Untitled)

I can find an apprentice to take the land over from me when i go." she continued to stare up at him during his approach, his stiff grin melting into the honesty of a softened smile as he raised a hand to rest on her shoulder.

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My story. (REALLY Short story)

At this moment, acekit will not be a apprentice, he will be a warrior. acekit, you are now aceheart. may starclan be with you." others yowled out in protest. but is was done. i was able to fight on my own...

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A Start to A New End

(kits-thunderkit) juniperleaf, grey and white she-cat (kits-marshkit, sandkit and sunkit) apprentices: frostpaw, white she-cat with amber eyes. (mentor-badgertooth) dovepaw, long haired she-cat with light grey pelt.

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The White Ones

He would be my teacher, and i would be his apprentice. i would live with him while he taught me magic, and that's all there was to it.

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Instructions Unclear

"dear bluebell, congratulations my apprentice! you have finally reached the age where the mortal realm dictates you as an adult. it is with my pleasure i give to you this special spellbook, passed down for generations from wizard to wizard.

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Open Season Chapter 36:Healer's Dilemma

Gwen admonished her eager apprentice, while at the same time pleased with her dedication to the healing arts. # # #

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