Open Season Chapter 36:Healer's Dilemma
#36 of Open Season
Kel learns just because you CAN do something it may not be the wisest course of action
Chapter 36
Healer's Dilemma
"Yes, Amanda, I _can_see your point. It's just--you _need_to understand--there are _consequences_to be considered for any action we may take." Gwen sighed. She knew Kel was eager to help her friend, Cassy. And given the strength of her healing talent, it wasconceivable that if she _did_offer a healing, that Cassy could walk out of the hospital twenty-four hours later. But, she wasn't considering what a hornet's nest she would be stirring up by doing so.
"Gwen." Kel pleaded. "I can _help_her, I can _heal_her, and I _want_to help! Why can't I do just _that?_It's my talent, you said so yourself, So--I don't see why--" Gwen held up a paw.
"Okay. Let me try_and help you understand the concept of _consequences_of your actions. Now, then." Gwen began again. "Yes, you have the raw talent to heal your friend, that's _not_what I'm concerned about..." Gwen paused. "Okay, let's say you decide to take this course of action. _First, you must get her permission to help, but_you cann_ot_tell her what you _are_now._For most folks still freak when the subject of magic is mentioned."
"But if I _can't_tell her I'm a Sorceress, then _how_can I get her permission to help _Heal_her?" Kel muled.
"Ah,_now_you are starting to see what I'm talking about."
"But--" Kel protested. Gwen silenced her with an upraised finger. "Let me finish." Kel nodded silently.
"Okay, now. Let's say she gives you her permission, and you heal her,fully...what would happen next?" Gwen asked, sitting back in her chair.
"Well," Kel smiled. "The doctors would see that she was completely healed up and send her home."
"Uh-huh..._would_they?" Gwen asked arching her eyebrow.
"Well,yeah. Why wouldn't_they? If she's all healed up, they'd _have_to send her home, _right?"
"Or not..." Gwen added. Kel looked confused.
"Look hon, Cassandra was _badly_wounded, and rushed to _emergency_surgery to save her life. Don't you think they will think it just a bit odd, if after only _four_days she's _completely_healed up?"
"...Well...maybe...but they _said_she's healing nicely."
Gwen nodded.
"That means she's showing no signs of infection, and her body is starting_the repair process. In ten to twelve days, they _estimate_she _should_be far enough along in the healing process that they _might_consider releasing her. Now, given that, what do you think they would_do, if in four days, she is _completely_healed?"
The look of dawning comprehension on Kel's face showed that she was seeing the possible repercussions of her well-intended actions.
"Ooh, well, just off the top--I'd have to say they'd 'Keep her for observation,' then they would probably subject her to every test they could think of to try and explain why she showed such a rapid healing ability...oh Gods, I didn't think..." The Vixens paws covered her muzzle.
"Exactly my point, Amanda, in attempting to help, you would inadvertently be doing harm. Now I'm not saying do nothing--just scale back on your intensity, so as not to raise suspicion. Perhaps up her healing ability so they release her in a week." Gwen offered.
"Then, once she's outta their clutches, crank it up and heal her fully!" Kel added.
"ONLY_if she gives you her permission _first, Amanda. I _can't_stress this point enough." Gwen admonished her eager apprentice, while at the same time pleased with her dedication to the healing arts.