My Life as a Slave 14

It will be broadcast live on all stations today at 12 pm." presidential speech: 12 am "ladies and gentlemen, i need to address you on a an important issue.

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Second official character typed out charactersheet

Feet at full spread from tip to tip the membrane can be retracted for a short period and wings mixed like extra claws and is 6 foot tall and if laying down and measure snout to tail tip also 12 feet in length male looks: broad shouldered and big but lean


The hunter becomes the hunted (part1)

I say "that was the .30-06" i than ask, knowing the response i will get "who wants to see what i can do with the 12 gauge?!" and the guys cheer.

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Five nights at Jacks (part 1)

I squinted _"jack rabbits ice cream parlor"_ 25 cents more than minimum wage, $4.50, not the best pay, but i think it will do. 12-6, 6 hours, $27 a night so $130 for those five nights. i circled it in red pen. "mom!"

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Kit's New Look: A Talespin Fanfic

She had just finalized the adoption of the 12 year old boy and were walking back to higher and higher for a party.

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Orion, the Broody Red Panda in Space

But that was at 12:57 in the morning, on an unauspicious day during a disinteresting week. but then 12:58 happened. and orion's life would never be the same again.

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Charlie And Veronica (Part 2)

We started heading down to the con at 12:30 so we could meet up with the friends we made in the lobby at 12:40. we got down to the lobby and see their friends with a camera. "hey guys. whats with the camera?"

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Recovery Efforts Series Appendix

Estate, west-northwest of crieff, scotland} **blue-grey, black paws** _school (second year, s2)_ 13 (i) sìlas (sìl) {caird estate, west-northwest of crieff, scotland} **chimeric, black/white** _school (first year, s1)_ 12

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Lament, Chapter 2

-\- discovery date: 06/12/2012 recovery date:: 07/12/2012 recovery status: hostile, pacified with force assigned staff: drs. itoshi, manfeld, reynolds -\- the cells were a lot better than they could have been.

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Chump Change

The two keynari (an anthropomorphic fox like species) could have almost passed as identical, save for one having 12 tails and the other only 11.

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The Future Diaries

He's a kind of godfather at fqr-10 12 - but i'm glad to work for him, not against him. no one knows what happens to his opponents when he have them...

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September 03, 2017 Day 03

He still hoped to find whatever is going on in the house. 12:23 pm rodger turns back on his phone and goes into the living room and sits down on the couch. james sits next to him. "i'm getting hungry."

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