My Life as a Slave 14
It will be broadcast live on all stations today at 12 pm." presidential speech: 12 am "ladies and gentlemen, i need to address you on a an important issue.
Second official character typed out charactersheet
Feet at full spread from tip to tip the membrane can be retracted for a short period and wings mixed like extra claws and is 6 foot tall and if laying down and measure snout to tail tip also 12 feet in length male looks: broad shouldered and big but lean
The hunter becomes the hunted (part1)
I say "that was the .30-06" i than ask, knowing the response i will get "who wants to see what i can do with the 12 gauge?!" and the guys cheer.
Five nights at Jacks (part 1)
I squinted _"jack rabbits ice cream parlor"_ 25 cents more than minimum wage, $4.50, not the best pay, but i think it will do. 12-6, 6 hours, $27 a night so $130 for those five nights. i circled it in red pen. "mom!"
Kit's New Look: A Talespin Fanfic
She had just finalized the adoption of the 12 year old boy and were walking back to higher and higher for a party.
Orion, the Broody Red Panda in Space
But that was at 12:57 in the morning, on an unauspicious day during a disinteresting week. but then 12:58 happened. and orion's life would never be the same again.
Charlie And Veronica (Part 2)
We started heading down to the con at 12:30 so we could meet up with the friends we made in the lobby at 12:40. we got down to the lobby and see their friends with a camera. "hey guys. whats with the camera?"
Recovery Efforts Series Appendix
Estate, west-northwest of crieff, scotland} **blue-grey, black paws** _school (second year, s2)_ 13 (i) sìlas (sìl) {caird estate, west-northwest of crieff, scotland} **chimeric, black/white** _school (first year, s1)_ 12
Lament, Chapter 2
Chump Change
The two keynari (an anthropomorphic fox like species) could have almost passed as identical, save for one having 12 tails and the other only 11.
The Future Diaries
He's a kind of godfather at fqr-10 12 - but i'm glad to work for him, not against him. no one knows what happens to his opponents when he have them...
September 03, 2017 Day 03
He still hoped to find whatever is going on in the house. 12:23 pm rodger turns back on his phone and goes into the living room and sits down on the couch. james sits next to him. "i'm getting hungry."