Sydney's Thanksgiving
Sydney turned to omar, "we didn't plan for it to turn out like this, but now that dinner's over and we're back from our walk-" "christmas music!"
Sands of the West Chapter 6: The Way Home
The moment we're back in our own bed, though, back in our own home" his hand slid around luke's lower back, leaning close and giving him a hungry look. "'re all mine."
Episode 1: Flight of the Raptor
we're back all in one piece with our crew intact." a smile crossed his beak. "not many ships can say that venturing out into uncharted space. it couldn't have been done if it weren't for all of you."
A Servant's Heart, Chapter 13
At least once we're back on the pride, you'll only have to deal with me and stargazer." "i know," strong soul admitted, shaking her head with a grin. "i'm just having trouble getting used to all the trouble people put themselves to for me."
Lonely Oak Chapter 53
"looks like we're back in business. micah, let's you grab his shoulders and i'll grab his feet--" "i can walk," ket said, sitting upright, feeling the pain in his head slosh around a little.
Only Me and My Demon Here (PMD: WNA 7)
Aaaaaaaaand, we're back. did you miss this? probably not. but i did!! so i wrote the next chapter. i hope you enjoy!! and if you did, i'd love it if you took a little time to let me know, either as a favorite or a comment.
Ferrets can’t rig. Badgers can’t pull.
When they get done being jerks, production goals go up until we're back on schedule." royce kept his face blank as he replied "yes, mr. mccary." but he knew that was going to be a difficult thing to pull off.
Thirteen Takes From Another World: Tenth Tale
"we're back!" dulcina climbed up with heracles in tow. dulcina dragged behind her multiple small test tubes filled with some kind of liquid held to a glass plate by a rubberband.
wander ~ Chapter 9
I mean - we had a bit of a rough spot last year, but that rolled over once i got a job, and now we're back on it. oh, hey, that reminds me-" "ah, turn to your... your left here. in the living room, then another left. my room is down the hall."
The Slave and the Mage: Bought, Chapter 5
"oh good, we're back to being optimistic," she said dryly. no one would ever grovel to a wizard-ranked mage, unless she decided to start taking on apprentices.
Ferrets can’t rig. Badgers can’t pull
When they get done being jerks, production goals go up until we're back on schedule." royce kept his face blank as he replied "yes, mr. mccary." but he knew that was going to be a difficult thing to pull off.
Your Possible Pasts 6 - Ebb And Flow
Aaaaaaand we're back, happy new year everyone, i hope you all had a great christmas so my gift to you all is suspenseful thriller! or at least, i hope it's good enough to be called that xd but we're back to regular schedules now so, enjoy!