MoonDust, Chapter 4

"you see the big, very dark patch? that's the sea of tranquility. panda country. lighter stuff around it is the highlands. now south, there's a smaller dark bit, which is nectaris. that's ours, and santbech's on the south side of it."

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One Week to Change: Chapter 8

Draye spoke while carrying out a plastic box that i would fit into, if forced, and a rolled up material that was coloured a very dark red. "nion, you know where to go, so luyo you follow him.

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The dream of mine

It also becomes very dark in there as well.

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Another way/Changing paths Chapter 17: My will…

The feel of the atmosphere changed suddenly to a very dark and intense one. i could tell that brian was going over board, but i couldn't understand why.

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Lunar Lament - Chapter 2: Moonlight

Her coat turns from a near black to just a very dark blue, her mane a steady violet color. she extends pegasus wings outward, revealing what appears to be a moon on her flank.

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Ozien's journey

The sun had just started to set as it appeared that she slept all day, and it was already very dark in the forest.

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Galvroode Ekahshtan

Not shiny or reflective the very dark black wood had hid this anomaly from him. the plate had been pulled back long ago, for there was dust and debris cluttered around it. he retrieved the cleaner and removed the dirt and debris.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 16

The sector was very dark, with no light coming through except that of the airlock. even then, the light was not intense enough to shine to the end of the place, if there was a wall nearby.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twenty-Three

Light appeared as if it was the light at the end of a very dark tunnel but yukiomaru denied it. he forced his heart rate to continue accelerating until darkness consumed him again, and he forced himself out of the nightmarish hell.

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 12

The realm became very dark except for some dim lights down at the city below the mountain. in her inversed contrast vision, she saw an eerie-looking tower at the middle of the city, and she felt something unpleasant there.

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Getting Better

Slowly everything spiraled into a very deep, very dark pit, and the only light was the one person who hadn't left, his one true friend. and even she was drifting away.

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The Road Of Life - Chapter 10 - Collaboration

He had become a cutter and a very dark person in the time that things had changed. his happy-go-lucky attitude had been torn apart by the events that took place. he had begun to doubt himself and his worth.

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