Chapter 20
"we've both said and done some stupid things lately..." freddy smiled, "we can _live_ with them though...right?" "i guess we can..." bonnie frowned. "together." freddy added. bonnie looked down at the ground.
Maverick Hunter - Chapter 6
"stupid thing must be busted," he breathed to himself. the horse wasn't particularly angry. he knew that the equipment he bought was often cheap or bootlegged.
The Human War- Chapter Eleven
That encourages these humans to do stupid things and draw the army down on us." maxx objected.
Destroying God by Being God
My planet did some pretty stupid things over the course of the centuries as science progressed, and many of them ended in disaster.
He Who Slept for Forty Nights
Are you alright," penny gasped as she hurried to the fire-type place holder of the boy, "that was a very stupid thing to do, she could have hurt you."
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 71 - To be strong enough...
It's a stupid thing to have believed that... but i honestly thought that it would... perhaps i only wanted to confess to her to absolve myself from my well earned guilt... to go on with a clean conscious, if you will...
Know To Understand. Chapter 7: All together
"rebecca, you've done some stupid things growing up, but this! this is what makes you into that monster!" i stood and turned away i couldn't bear to look at that sorry excuse for a sister of mine.
Giving Love a Helping Hoof: Chapter 2
"ah'm sorry rarity, that was a plum stupid thing to say. we all know that you were a perfect lady that night. that fancy-shmancy blueblood was just... well, he was so far up 'imself he was lickin' his own horn."
Unstable Future - Chapter 10
I knew i was in lover with her and love can make people do stupid things, like annoying to 50 foot tall deer that already wanted me dead. if i just ran now, though, i knew i would die inside.
The Forest of Change
Do we animals go to war over stupid things?! do we try to kill one another for years and years, no we don't! you wanna know why, because we don't want to waste our precious lives over such menial things as revenge!"
Coming Out
Seems like a stupid thing to hate on, y'know?" harley just nodded, feeling his throat tighten, the hand holding the beer starting to tremble.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 5
_why do you always waste your time with these stupid things?_ the sound of a table flipping over. the clatter of all his projects spilling to the ground, works of art only halfway done, inventions yet to be tested.