Crusader Part 5
Magnum, Marouge and Porralla are aboard the Howl of Silver as when Magnum returned to the ship, Elvo had said she may have found a way to open the box, the mystic had contacted the vixen and weasel and they were over in flash. Elvo informs them of the...
This vignette was written for Kio Redsen as part of my themed Patreon request day for the month of February 2019. This month's theme was simply "Love", and the story contains romantic cuteness between consenting adults. :3 **Listen** The...
Crusader Part 4
The air of the desert planet is arid and dry, nothing but sand, salt and rock makes up the surface as the thin air of the planet heats to a very high point of around 180 degrees fahrenheit. The steps from Magnum's suit and machines clang against the...
Crusader Part 1
Two years... it has been two years since I left my home world, my old life faded to oblivion as I took to the stars. Among them I am the most feared, the destroyer of a thousand Empires, the crusader who had crushed some of the most fiercest beings out...
Bunny and Jupiter - Writing Prompt for Hyenaglasses
"The water's fine, you should join me!" Bunny wasn't sure how Jupiter was managing to do the backstroke with all the extra arms, let alone gracefully. But there she was gliding across the lake surface, the wake of water lapping at the sandy cave shore...
Personal Space
Brazil hadn't been an easy place to live for the people who already lived there. It hadn't been going to be easy for them having moved there either. Slavery may have been gone but it had left its marks, as the street urchins roaming the favelas...
Song of the Soul: Getting Acquainted (Ch 1)
The cool night air brushed against the soft glow of the crystals, whisking by gurgling streams and rushing around roaring waterfalls. Tall flowers, the size of sunflowers, lit the small pocket of space near them with their bioluminescence. They emitted...
Poppy Flowers and Diesel
# "Moshi moshi?" The shrike's eyes smirked, hearing the chirp on both sides of her head. Amplified in the right from the help of the mobile she clutched, echoed in the left against the chipping paint on brick from the shop's homely walls....
'_It's a good thing that I've already read this before_,' she groaned inwardly as the shaking bus rudely closed the book she was re-reading in her hands yet again, _'Or there's no way I'd be able to keep up with it otherwise.'_ The cephalopod had...
Crusader Part 6
The environment the mystic has found himself in isn't one of cold alloy and artificial light, nor does the quiet hum of life support nor the metallic noise of machinery performing tasks. The mystic is a few years younger then he is now, being in his...
Like a Cauldron Burning [Chapter One]
**Zootopia: Like a Cauldron Burning** **Chapter one Something about a Truck on Fire** Violet eyes flickered open to a sunlit room. Rays of early morning scarlet caught tiny motes of dust floating lazily in the air like jellyfish, rising and...
Promised Land
Eli's parents had disowned her for having moved away to the Middle East with Mano, but Eli hadn't cared. If anything, she'd been only too glad to cut them out of her life as well. Mano missed her parents sometimes, but children grew up, pursued love...