Zootopian Finish (Finale Pt 2)
Donna slumps back in her seat, facepalming, when she looks up and sees the bushy red tail of nick wilde. she bolts upright. "the officers ditched their kart," she points out. "we'll have to do the same."
Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 1
- judy hopps, and he is nick wilde. welcome to zootopia.- said the bunny, taking the offered hand in her paw and shaking it. nick shook it too but simply nodded. - thank you. it is as big as i've heard. took me a while to get oriented to come here.
The Risen Curtain - Chapter 11: Fear Spreads
nick wilde said, lowering his shades to look at the camera. "well, i have to say, it is something that you don't expect, right? i have been out there for a while. i've seen some things. still, it is hard not to be surprised by something like that.
Zootopia: Brave New World - Tetimonies, Job Offers and Files
"nick wilde." he said as he shook her hand. "this fluff here is my partner." "judy hopps." judy said, stepping forward for herself, offering her hand to shake.