Evolution's Gate Ch.4 - Ghost's Story

"luckily, we dark-types have a few tricks for dealing with your kind" i heard zerobi say, but her voice was quickly drowned out by gastly wails that became louder and louder. "what!? like i'll let you... **graaahhh!

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles - Chapter 8

But psychic isn't good against dark typed pokemon... why would you clash types to hold him here?" xatu smiled. "you have quite the knowledge on types, you are right, it should have never worked.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: EP 10

The only way you can do that is with a dark type move or a ghost type move. those should be strong enough to k.o. it. the other method is to force it to wake up, as long as the abra remains awake, its concentration is broken."

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A New Companion, Ch3

Jim however was thankful that being a dark type has made him practically immune to psychic abilities. mainly because his mind kept going back to his days with his old mate.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 6- Team Sharktooth

No, something different; as he stood there in the still atmosphere, the elder felt a certain sense of calm and collectiveness resonate from the dark-type- as if he's already prepared for such a situation.


- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 9

"i am a dark type; the vortex shouldn't be as strong against me. i can go into it and get aqua out." "that's crazy!" amy screams. "what other choice do we have!" sid gives her a stern look.

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Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 9: Mad with Grief

Calhoun knew, as dark-types, he could not turn the leader into a shadow pokémon, but that was not his intention.

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After the Storm - Part 24 [The Visitors]

Their dark type affinity would render their psychic powers useless towards them, and their ghost type affinity would mean that they should be able to phase through physical attacks with ease.

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No Light to be Seen: Chapter 8

Only two things could have happened here: 1)these two somehow changed their natural composition to one that is exactly one that is a dark type- which is impossible 2) darkrai set these traps to protect and hide the real reasons that he has invested interest

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The Human Species Ch.14 - Young Prodigy Lucas

The gallade said while putting his arms together, "it's a dark-type so i can't sense its strength, but i think it's pretty obvious..."

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Strong Wolf Chronicles part 7 - Fruition

She is a dark type, after all. the look in her eyes gave me a sense of foreboding, and it was this quality that influenced my choice of a name for her. "so, you're sure you want to come with us?" she nodded.

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Rebirth ch15

Once it gets older, that howl could intimidate practically anybody,' i thought as i looked down at the little dog/dark type pokemon. 'though that really doesn't apply to me. i can't wait to show this 'stuck up little girl' who's she messing with now.'

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