Leafblade - Chapter 3
It was paper and wax, yet it seemed to hold his fate inside that seal.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 84
The candle snuffed out and spilled from the cracks in thick rivulets of melted wax, but despite that ander could still see the monster, its cheeks, lips, and gums embedded with sharp slivers of blood-streaked glass.
Family Reunion Chapter 1: A Town Called Felborough
I turned it over to find a red wax seal, the kind of thing that i thought went out of fashion around the industrial revolution.
Dark Void-Chapter 1
The room was so loud with the hum of activity that a telepath who dropped his mental barrier for even a second would have his brain melt and pour out of his ears like so much candle wax.
The Elysian School of Recreational Podiatry
I only stopped to finish rubbing a last coating of healing wax across her paw, then nudged it down, taking the other up. "are they done yet?" she whispered. i saw her eyes were closed now, the wah melted by the constant attention to her feet.
Nothing Greater: Chapter 10
They got in as night hit, and they could see a little sliver of the waxing crescent moon to the west.
[SFW] Squirrelly Days #010 - Kylola
``` accepting the letter, kylola saw that it was addressed to her and had an unbroken wax seal.
Stuck Together Christmas "Special"
The lion checked: sure enough, a red envelope with a green wax seal stamped with a stylized "sc" leaned between two decorations. he picked up the envelope, noting the seal was the only marking on the outside, tearing it open as he idly mused.
Ragnarok - III
The moon waned thin and waxed again, and i spoke up. i asked them who they were. they said, 'your friends.' i asked them where we were. they answered, 'here.' i asked them who had sent them. they said, 'one who better answers has.'
Iridescent - Chapter 1 - The Catalyst (2)
Hunter would be a cook, making dishes with toy wax while i became the writer. he'd be the doctor and i'd be some critically injured hit-and-run patient. he'd be an architect, and i'd be the bricklayer. i felt powerless as an older brother.
my name is Sabian
After washing the dirt off i used a waxing soap and went over it again. after sitting it in the sun to dry for a while i vacuumed out the inside and started to polish the chrome rims and pipes under the hood.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 85
There was a unity to it, a kind of rhythm, waxing and waning, pulsing and throbbing like a monstrous heartbeat, going faster and faster. what the hell was going on down there? devin squeezed the rope between his hands, shaking like a leaf.