Chilled Pug (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Carter scrambled out of the snow bank and up onto the more secure footing provided by the icy road's shoulder with a panic muted by the bitter cold. Clutching the drenched cloak about her shoulders, the pug spared a moment and a hope to glance back...


Bluejay's Wares (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The blue jay barely looked up from his book as he reclined in the cheap folding chair behind the table of baubles and wares. "That's a fusor coupling. Bent, but the metal's still good scrap if you want a wedding band on the cheap.", he volunteered to...


Unexpected Arrivals (Otherwise Untitled)

~ "That's just one of those stories from your papers.", decried Colonel James Malloy. ~ "Nah, it's true! My cousin just over at Janus Hub didn't come back from her tour there; where else could she be?", came back the friendly voice over the low...


The Priest is Summoned (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The foundry was, as it was most any time of day, a place of heat and learning. The priests who worked here found a place where they could push themselves, the materials, and their faith to the limits. Priest Garmeny carefully navigated the compact...

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Possum Laundry (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The possum paused in his transfer of clothes from washer to the basket, the sounds of the laundromat all around him. One red tinted sock. One perfectly blue tinted sock. Confusion was afoot, but the possum steeled himself to the task at hand. ~...


Fennecs are Short (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The gas station smelled strongly. She couldn't quite untangle the mess of odors, but the fennec was pretty sure that stale coffee, burnt hot dogs, cheap cigs, and some amount of milk were the prime constituents. She looked over the six pack of beers...

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Waiting for Rescue (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Brrrrzph. Doop. Doop. ~ A few seconds of silence. ~ Brrrrzph. Doop. Doop. ~ Additional seconds of silence. ~ Brrrrzph. Doop. Doop. ~ The alarm becomes louder. ~ Brrrrzph. Doop. Doop. ~ A hand groped haphazardly about the controls on the wall,...

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Road Trip (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The cockatiel bobbed his head to the music on the radio even as the static in the signal continued its slow rumble. It wouldn't be long before there wasn't any music left on this particular frequency as he and his passenger rolled down the interstate...


Before Commute (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The skunk's morning had been terrible. The alarm clock had been particularly grating with its reminder to become awake, the shower smelled faintly of watermelon for some reason, and his favorite shirt had fallen off of its hanger sometime in the...

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Cooking for the Parents (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Kevin glanced back and forth between the two potatoes arranged on the pantry shelf before him. He had been successful in stalling for time by serving his parents an appetizer of corn chips, pickles, and mustard. The task of a proper meal would be a...

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Kobold in a field (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The kobold sat alone in a field, beneath a sky of clouds. The day's heat had finally broken, and cool rain beaded off her scales and seeped into the cloth of her jacket. Arms wrapped around her knees, the kobold buried her face into her knees. With...

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Funeral on a Station (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The station chaplain leaned back from the altar, surveying the arrangement. The cactus from his office stood prominently in the middle, a loud reminder to keep to hope. The small figurine of Death, a hooded gryphon with face unseen, took the...

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