Lily's biography

- a special part of the oil that is in her body to clean herself, she has a second special oil (only in battle) if she's been hit by a physical attack the pokémon increases his weight a bit decreasing his speed and physical attack.


World of Cyberon: Manual

Card shops: special shops that sell various types of cards that wizards use in battle. avatar equipment stores: special stores that exclusively sell avatar customization items.

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Path of the Shining Sun

When you take the attack action on your turn and use this special attack as part of it, you can spend 1 ki point to make the special attack twice as a bonus action.

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Birthday Standoff! Thunder VS Random

But that's not to say he didn't want any special condition today.

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My Furry Valentine

"showering each other with love and attention, going out to special places...not to mention, giving special surprise gifts to show their affection..." silver halted in front of our house. she turned her head. "surprise gifts?"


A Firefighter to the rescue - 01 - Prolog

Is she having some special powers then? " " for me she has some but for everyone else she is only a shiny lucario. " " shiny?" " so the humans are calling pokemon which are having the colors of your mother. " "o... k....

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A Firefighter to the rescue — 01 — Prolog ( Reforged )

"i know, but to learn this special ability you need to be ready and a lot of experience in training my son." " how old have you been when you learned it from your parents?" tala's look became sad while he spoke on.

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Impure Chapter 1: Unwanted Birth

The colors specify what they they specialize in. the grey wolves specialize in healing. the brown wolves specialize in fighting. the black wolves also specialize in fighting but are more elite than the brown.

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A warm memory on a cold night

And best thing is i get to enjoy my special gift every single day!~" the fire bui stopped in his tracks and looked back at his special mudkip with a big bright smile. "j-james..."

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Tribal Wars: An Assault is Planned

I expect that is due to what they specialize in. it would be suicide for them to go in alone and first. so here is what we do. sco, i want your squad, me, and vengeance to go on the opposite side of the complex.

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Payback hurts! (Chapter 9 of my YuGiOh series)

He special summoned it using his chick's special ability. he then played dragon's gunfire, dealing 800 points of direct damage to drake, bringing him down to 7200 life points.

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They gave us no particular talent or special ability, but enabled us to have a more explorative side to us. they brought out our natural tendencies to explore and heightened them to an extreme.
