Love At It's Finest: Episode 4

Yesterday, when i'd arrived home, i'd asked my grandfather for sixty dollars to buy a new itunes card when i "go out with a few friends."

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lone dragon pt5

The one with the dead dragon's head caught the full attention of the female dragonet. " papa has protected this kingdom sense the first king spared his life two thousand one hundred and sixty-one years ago.

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Back Brush

The total was only five dollars sixty three. smith added a two dollar tip. he carefully stowed the girl's card in his breast pocket before he left. # she knelt in front of him as she brushed his left leg.

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In The Doghouse: Chapter Three

As his brother had told him, she wasn't in the best of health anymore, and for being under sixty, it showed. it showed in her sunken eyes, her cigarette smoke-stained teeth, and her wispy hair. so reid hugged her when she left.

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Discovery - Chapter 3, City of Power

"so that's thirty six times sixty-" [nemo] "which is like six cubed times ten-" [tristen] "times a hundred. ten meters per second squared?" [dexter] "right, and six cubed is two sixteen."


Mutants of Earth Chapter 1 "Unstable"

Near the center of the city was the m.s.c or the "mutant study center", a building that was sixty stories high and quite wide. there were numerous testing chambers and training stadiums inside and so far nothing bad had come from it.


spiritual world bs the world of the living {THE TRUTH}

Bamut shouted as he spun in a three-hundred and sixty degrees creating a whirlwind spiral around bamut masking his body as the wind vanished showing bamuts left arm becoming armored as well as his right arm but showed a large shield floating

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"I Hate Valentine's Day"

Why should one day out of the year be any more romantic than the other three hundred and sixty four? for that matter, david has always been really into valentines day, and i guess he just has to see his new boyfriend in such a day.

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Decrypting a Fox: Part 2

When he got to the elevator and pushed the sixty-first floor, he cursed silently to himself. he had left his card in the slot. if the elevator had been called by some late night denizen of the building, he might have never seen it again.

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Scales and Scavs chapter 10, Final earning

"i thought my sixty grand was enough!" "so did i." "well, if ever need be, i be set for a year or so." "i won't need to work for a while with this." "neither shall i." "wait till the others see this!"

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this is not a stuffed animal

They are embarrassed at their petty envy at seeing the raw joy splashed across your face upon seeing something lost, something so dear, your favorite plushy that hasn't seen daylight in sixty years.

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Steering One's Future CH1

In the lands of dawnlight, the advisor punished every proven case of unauthorized hunting with a sixty-days of forsaking.

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