"I Hate Valentine's Day"

Story by arxidan on SoFurry

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"Bye honey, I'll see you in a few hours for lunch. 'Kay?" my cute little otter says as he walks out the door, his cute little tush swaying with his walk.

"Sure, our place right?" I say from the doorway.

"Yup! See ya sexy".

"See ya cutie," I say as I close the door. He's going to meet with him again, he does it every few days. How could he do such a thing to me. I work my tail off all day for us and he's fucking cheating on me. Who could think such a nice, funny, cute otter could do such a thing. I guess I'd understand a bit if it was a horse or a wolf but its a fucking lion. Guess I'm just not enough of a lion for him. Every day I want to call him out on it, but I just love him, maybe I could live with him having a guy on the side, but if he's lying to me about this guy what else could he be lying about? Did he really go to his mother's for a month last year or was he off getting yiffed by numerous different males? If he says he goes to the gym everyday and on those few days meets with this guy, what does he do on the other days? I need a fucking cup of coffee.

I walk through the house and pull a mug out of the pantry and the pitcher from the coffee maker. I fill the mug with the bitter black liquid. I quickly chug a large amount of it. Much better. Certainly took the edge off.

I guess I should probably go get ready sooner rather than later. I run up the stairs and into our bathroom. I turn on the water and begin to strip. I hate valentine's day. Everybody is so idiotic about today. Why should one day out of the year be any more romantic Than the other three hundred and sixty four? For that matter, David has always been really into valentines day, and I guess he just has to see his new boyfriend in such a day. I bet you he's going to pass off the lunch as our valentines day thing this year. Asshole, I planned a big trip to Hawaii leaving tonight and he's off galavanting with his other lion. Fuck valentine's day.

I step into the scolding stream of water allowing the skin under my golden fur to scorch a bit before jumping out of it and adjusting the temperature. I step back in and begin rubbing my fur down, thoroughly soaking it before grabbing the shampoo from the shelf, opening it, squirting some on my right paw, and finally rubbing it through my fur. We've had a lot of fun in this shower. We've sucked, fucked, and actually gotten clean in this shower together which is a lot more work than one would think. I still can't figure out Why he off with another guy. Am I just not satisfying enough? What more could you want? Does he want more than 10 inches? Unless you're a horse that's pretty hard to beat. I've been so good to him, he can't be looking for love. The shower water rinses off the shampoo from my fur and I proceed to turn off the water and step out of the shower. I pull a towel off the rack and dry myself. I can't do it, I can't be this fur. I refuse to just let him cheat on me. I'm calling him out on it at the restaurant.

That was actually the place we met and our first date. I was there at the bar watching the superbowl a few years ago, he was there with a few friends so it appeared. He looked so cute sitting against the bar, a margarita in his paw. I walked up to him with a cold beer in my paw and asked his name.

"Davis" he replied with that cute little voice of his, "and you?" he asked

"Chris, it's nice to meet you," I said putting out my paw. He shook it with his delicate and soft paw and looked me in the eyes with a smile on his muzzle. Afterwards we got to talking and I asked him if he wanted to go on a date.

"same time same place next week?" he responded. That night I left that restaurant with a smile on my muzzle and the phone number of the cutest otter I've ever seen in my pocket. and now here I am, In love with that very same otter, only that otter probably doesn't love me anymore.

I exit the bathroom and walk up to the dresser and pull out a pair of boxers. I put them on then head to my closet to pick out a pair of blue jeans and a white button-up shirt. I quickly put them both on and go back downstairs. I check the clock on the microwave to see that the hours have passed by. Time sure flies when you are deep in thought. I slip on a pair of sandals by the door, pull a set of keys from the hook, and head out the door to the garage. I get into the red Mercedes Benz and speed out of the driveway towered the restaurant. Moments later I arrive in the parking lot and park in the empty spot next to David's silver Benz. I exit the car and enter the restaurant.

"Hi there Chris, good to see you again, it's been a few weeks," the perky German Shepard waitress exclaims.

"Yeah it's been kind of busy lately"

"That's not good, well david is already here, I'll take you to him." she walks to a booth containing that cute little otter.

"Hey there sexy," he says with his ever cute voice.

"Hi Davis," I reply with a solemn tone. I sit down across from him and order a sprite without ice.

"What's wrong honey?" he asks looking as innocent as ever.

"What's his name, Davis?"


"Don't play dumb! You know full well who the hell I'm talking about! That fucking lion you always meet instead of going to the gym!"

"Him? He's nobody,"

"Certainly doesn't look like nobody with the way you always seem to look so happy when you are with him."

"He's nobody, he's just a friend"

"Why don't I believe you?"

"I'm not lying to you!"

"Fuck this, I'm not doing this here, I'll see you at home." I say and storm out the restaurant get into my car and drive far faster than the speed limit home. I pull into the driveway and jump out of the car. I need some fresh air. I charge through the house and into the back yard blindly. I sit down in a chair and lay my head back. How could this be happening? I open my eyes and see another lion in my back yard. Him! I march up to him and grab him by the collar.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? You think you could just march into my house. Fuck my boyfriend whenever you want, and get away with it? Give me one reason why I shouldn't beat the hell out of you right now!"

"Because there is an otter behind you who could explain" he says with a smirk. That smirk makes me want to punch him in the face regardless of what Davis has to say, but I refrain. I turn around to see that beautiful otter looking dashing in a tuxedo.

"Sorry Tim, my mate could be a little hasty to anger. Tim is just a friend. He's also a reverend, and a wedding planner."

"You mean..."

"Chris Parkman, will you marry me today?" he says getting down on one knee and taking my paw. I think my heart just skipped a beat.

"I hate you, you know that?" he just smiles at me. "Of course I'll marry you!"

"Guess where we're honeymooning!"


"You really don't know? You're the one who booked the trip"

"Hawaii" I whisper to myself loud enough for him to hear.

"Yup... He said yes!" he shouts and I'm suddenly bombarded by furs from both mine and his family. I hate valentine's day, almost as much as I hate my unbelievably handsome mate.