Sacred Chapter 4: A Wielder Chosen
Roy takeda, you shall be the one to usher this world into an age free from the ever rising sins of man. you are now tasked with seeking the other blades and those who are to be your allies in this ordeal. do you understand?"
The Serpent Curse - Chapter 4
Mend the ties between serpent and woman, and return to the tree the sin from her knowledge, and snake-kind will be reconciled. kiah: what? so you expect me to... find the tree of knowledge and... somehow transfer the sin from some lady into it?
Y conocereis la verdad...
Nos agrupamos sin levantarnos y les dije mi estrategia, diseñada en 5 minutos.cuando nos separamos fulgencio me dijo en un tono solemne: -juventino, si tu quisieras asaltar el infierno, yo te seguiria. -erse mi heroe, muchacho, complemento rogelio.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 82
_ that was the greatest sin of them all.
"any sins in need of repenting for?" "only one, father, only one." "and what may that sin be, son?" "i cannot tell, father." "so be it, find truth in god, that is all the truth i need from you." hodan liked the priest.
I Switch Off All The Lights
They didn't go to mine, because it would've been sinful to attend a gay marriage. but that one was fine. 2020 was also the year i decided i was changing my last name. almost through the heavy stuff. two left. i switch off all the lights.
The king of love.poem
I will take the burden of your sin. the sin of lustlust onto my shulder. for i love for the soul not the body it contained with in. where do we stand now in the tower of cold darkness. strip of all titles.
La oscuridad es nuestra aliada
La pony misteriosa dejó caer su capa, y ya sin nada que ocultara su piel, se podía ver que era del mismo color que la de applejack, a diferencia de que era una pegaso que salió volando a perseguir a aquella potranca.
Sunrise of the Soul
As the ray's peak up from the sky i stretch out to it feeling the warmth coming from inside then i look to the world in the light of the brand new day and smile as the day creeps by i fill with sin again and begin to cry seeing that the cycle
I shall not bow
**i shall not bow** these chains...the chains you bound me with, which forged by your lies and sins.
Episode Seven: Sweltering Summer Sins
#8 of dream factory: a kobold story episode seven brings to us a hot sweaty day and two best friends bonding in the heat dream factory episode seven: sweltering summer sins by thecrimsondm princess twinkle stood there facing her adoring, loving
Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 7
#7 of sins of our elders the fated first meeting of father and daughter. only one more chapter after this. i hope you all enjoy. david was on edge. that was, generally, the point of riding a dirtbike if he was to be honest.