Change of Fashion

Whenever he did see the eastern dragon, he always had on a signature blue button-up that looked way too tight to fit him. the green fuzzed dragon was shirtless since he was in his home, so that didn't matter now.

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Shattered Dementions: Dementia

Then, heat signatures showed up. glancing down, she saw that a group of robbers had just stolen...something. it looked like a chest, but if this was the future, why still have chests? why not have one of those computer things look after the gold?

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Chapter Fifteen -- The Candyman Can

Perhaps you didn't know it, but miyatsu can find my psychic signature anywhere on the planet. all he has to do is levitate high enough and he'll find me! you can't hope to hide me from him!" sakaki smiled coldly.

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Rexville 17: Good Monday

Keanu got his results as he sat back on his desk chair, he got an "a" and wrote his signature in one corner to confirm he saw his results as instructed by the professor.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 10: Feather and Scales

What i mean is to show me your signature ability." avila tried to find her signature ability, before she settled to a conclusion.

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I Only Liked a Lotta Things til I Knew

Succumbing to his curiosity, joel approached the table and turned a page of the signatures, squinting at the indecipherability of what he found to be handwritten russian on old, worn notebook paper.

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The Digidestined's First walk to work

I look at both my wrists and neck, waiting for the signature weight and feel of a digivice which never came, "if you are real, when will i get it?" vee just looks at me and smiles, "you'll see, give it a day or two and you will find out."

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Ramiro's Story: Memory 1

Instead of it's signature flowiness, she decided to quickly tie it up in a bun. that's when ramiro realized how tired she must have been. "the assassination of brennan bear!" the older fox grinned. "you're on." let the games begin!

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A Far Green Country

No signature. wary will i go out again. the garden now seems welcoming not like invitation but like a trap.

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Sire's Call - Act 1

He'd always wanted to message his father, he had his signature and could easily do so. but farasuun didn't have yogoloth's signature and wouldn't have been able to reply. what would he even say? how could he even begin to explain it all? too dangerous.

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His signature white fur is easily seen piercing cold blackness. "you under estimate me." words slither through a wicked smile. they draw and a single shot rings through out the heavens. "my eye!" the white bunny boy cries, tears welling up.

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The Singularity

This was not the artificial geometric signature of an ai, or some other autonomous program going through its pre-determined motions. the only way to really tell that it had no user was to visualize it's session.