Romance vs Porn

Skin slaps skin, voices moan in ecstasy, and the people involved engage in perfect explosions of god-like sexual prowess that leaves the submissive partners(s) so spent and used that they cannot move.

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Kairos Backstory

He struggled with this odd fascination with boys and have never received any sort of sexual education he kept these feelings and fascination to himself not knowing quite what they were.


Squirrely's Nuts

Out of respect and deference to his real-life significant other, our roleplay isn't sexual. bawdy, yes, and occasionally flirtatious, but not sexual.

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The Arousal part 4

Although i didn't have many friends back home, at least nobody that really knew me, i did in fact have a friend that i did talk to a lot, just not about sexual things.

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Ferocity Chapter one

This day and age had little care for sexuality. it became near impossible to procreate naturally after the second generation, so most had to use doctors to create life.

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Tahikida, Chapter 2

Diving into random sexual relationships, he's a bit old school you know."

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Prologue to a new world

After much research scientists contributed this to higher availability of contraceptives and lower fertility rates of interspecies copulation, so after much deliberation and voting, the age of sexual consent was reduced throughout many countries, in some places

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Pastry Prilodeoren (Part 1 of 2)

(warning: part 1 is non-sexual, but part 2 will involve sexually explicit content, so if you can't find it, that's why. sorry.) part 2: bleodafi was always one to get in the most bizzare of situations.

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Zombies are Wankers: Long Time No Read

This made albus feel comforted, lovestruck and sexually aroused. _i really don't want to wake her up or get out of bed.

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OR: Recidians

The truth is behind the rumor of their fast reproduction is the fact they reach sexual maturity at 6 years of age.

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