Ander - Epilogue: Subchapter 5

Get back -" the river swelled and ander felt himself pitch over, saw the smooth, white river rocks, blurred and twisted by the swirling water, rushing up to meet his face.

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 12 - How It All Falls Apart

Therefore, i like it" river laughed a little. (note to self: river's crazy) "i'll go along with jack's choice. as long as he provides a good reason to" lulu spoke, crossing her arms and glancing at the lion. he only nodded and spoke up. "fine.

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The Cat

The smooth area narrowed down to what almost seemed like a stream on the forest floor and turned toward the river again going over it, but there was nothing where the river was.

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Geography part 1

The river hile the river hile runs from the border of uftna to cudea, it is shallow enough to ford but deep enough to bring needed water to the parched desert.


Shade's Memory File 1

A clash of metal rang out as a large ripple waved against a nearby river before an explosion lit up the surrounding area leveling the entire battle field as two warroirs skidded across the river staying


Untamed Love - Chapter 1

"he's dead," she replied pointing her finger towards the river. demon simply sighed and turned to leave, when a monster jumped out of the river and went straight for the girl who quickly made a shield around her.

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 7 - A Nightmare In Reality

The jackal grins at river, seemingly ignoring the fact that he has no left arm left. "could've used a few more centuries in between, if you ask me" river replies with strained sarcasm. he's obviously very pissed off.

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The Past is the Opposite Shallows

The past is the opposite shallows of a river at flood to the lip. and swift do the rapids swallow. and swift are the tides that rip.

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Noir Hero part 3

He fell in the river. i didn't run for freedom. i jumped into the river and saved his life. he avoided me the rest of the night, but did the work that he usually required me to do.

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 3 - Longpoint City

You do that a second time and you're fish-food" "fine" raven lifts his hand from river's shoulder. "let's meet iris, shall we?" raven knocks on the door and i hear a delicate voice through the bulky door. "raven. river and... ryu.

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How should I know? Chapter 11: Where do we go from here?

"over the river and make it quick you weak bastard!" i said pointing over towards the river. it still was thrashing about, but another slap to the head straightened it out.

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