Songs of the Dragons Vol #1 Promenade of Fear Chapter 1
Rayzock had written eight beautiful songs that contained a magic spell within them that would compel the darkness of obsidian into a deep slumber that would last forever, however if the songs aren't sung before the the dark dragon was to awaken the last resort
Brother Light, Brother Dark: In Which Insatisfaction Plagues Donichus
Instead, it only reminded him of the reason why he resorted to the life he did. the thought would've had the potential to launch him back into his old mindset had he not seen the way jaqaran was looking at him.
OR: Fenyks
Other than that, they are very polite and cordial in their mannerisms, seeing as they don't resort to physical aggression.
Battle of Wits
I do find violence quite detestable, but i see it is something that i must resort to if you are as resilient as he has been.
Playing Catch with the Stars
The two were the last ones out while the all the other astronomers had gone back to the resort down the road to gather for the impending meteor shower.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 82
He had to resort to leaning against the wall just to keep from falling down. it was like that damn crutch all over again. and then there was this loop of meat, red and dripping, hanging from the hole that fox bastard had put in his stomach.
History and the Journey
As a last resort he had told the pack that his they did not hear his voice speaking the words then to scatter as fast as possible, and servy would then make the explanations later.
Land of Discord's World History
As a result, they had no magical capabilities and resort to techs, which sorts of like what technology pre-outbreak would look like. the other one is called magi, the descendants of these magically inclined humans.
The Trip Part1
My last resort is surviving four more days. being stupid as i am, i thought to myself, what if there's a cave on top of the mountain where the bear couldn't reach me, knowing the sleeping bag is still useful, it's not enough warmth for the night.
Chapter 1 part 4 Dreamland
Meanwhile at the resort stu and didi woke up from their sleep, did you have a strange dream asked didi, yes i did said stu, about a weird room in a strange tower? yes, and us hearing about sam like he is on a journey?
Merlin's Revenge Chapter 18
She resorted once again to using her beak on the long feathers that sprouted from the end of her tail.
Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 17
They had to resort to bringing him his meals like a prisoner, and even these went uneaten half the time. this was even worse than that horrible night twenty-three years ago when shekka - no, he didn't want to think about that.