After the Storm - Prologue [Vacation's over]

Also, this will be my final version of jason's past and may render 'jason's nightmare' as inconsistent. nevertheless, i hope you guys enjoy this one. note: i have made 8 chapters so far but i think i'll be uploading one per week.

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Twokinds Revolutions ####

Not to mention all forms of camouflage are rendered useless by the bright colors of the leaves. most of that didn't matter now though because of the camouflage spell he has cast on him whenever he is on patrol.

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Cupcakes Re-done (Rough Draft)

She thought she was in a basement, and she tried to confirm her assumption and tried to illuminate the room when suddenly something behind her pounded down on her horn, cracking it, and rendering it unusable. she cried out in pain, and her eyes watered.

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An Introduction to a New Series

There are limitations, however, as parts of the galaxy are too densly packed with reactive materials that would render the tachyon envelope useless, thuss completely disintigrating the ship into a supermassive burst of energy, its very atomic structure ripped

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Their communications could easily be jammed, rendering them useless. or they could be hacked, turning them against their masters. a val'kov, however, could make decisions.

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Plot of Mission Earth

Although they are strong attacks, he doesn't kill anyone, rather renders them unconscious. erik comes from the opposite side of the battlefield emptying his rounds on the mysterious being and ends up without ammo.

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Hunted Hunter Short Story

His body was pressed close to hers and rendered any further attacks against him useless.

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A furry world - Part 9 I Didn’t Want To Be This!

"the government will and you will get paid for services rendered if you look after sarah but you won't get government subsidies anymore" shi said as shi got up and walked to the door. "that's not too bad" i said giving hir a weak smile.

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Pokemon Journey to another world Ch5

It didn't take me that long until i had rendered all the fake police officers that were in the lobby unconscious. i was about to finish off the rest of them without even breaking a sweat.


Battle Bot

Before he could blink, klein yelped as a blinding light illuminated his whole field of vision, rendering him momentarily sightless.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 4)

Yet when hafsa has desmond pinned by the horns, towering over him, rendering him helpless... when her ears could pick up the blood rushing through his veins and choked breaths...

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