Chapter 5 - Nightfall

The constellations from my childhood i easily picked out, like the wheel and the pyramid. the passing of faint red and blue lights marked the helicopters and airplanes from overnight flights.

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Steel and the Mummy

I was part of an expedition to examine the pyramids, but we had stumbled upon a secret burial chamber in the desert. whether this was luck or not, i cannot tell. we recovered countless artifacts, all of which were in pristine condition.

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The Cat's Stroll 18

Now that he considered it, this was a grade one martial beast, which was regarded as one at the top of the power pyramid in backdoor's forest. even if small, this lone wolf must have a territory of its own, and this place had to be part of it.

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MTG: Aqalax

The greatest of these is alabalcan, located in the sea between the continent's "jaws", whose pyramids surface as islands. ahuizotl are highly hostile to other races and attempt to drown them; why this is, nobody knows.

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Chronicles of Nahia - Prologue & Part 1

And the mortal people, slowly dragging themselves upwards from a fearful, survivalist past to a prosperous and curious future, built temples and stone circles and great stepped pyramids to these mystical creatures, these spirits of the stone and the wood and

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Before and After - Simon

She'd still been shivering when they arrived at the pyramid cabaret an hour earlier, accompanied now by sandra and zach, a few of desi's other friends who were also visiting the city for all-star week.

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Ottsel Rampage Revolution

He quickly grabbed what unscathed vehicles were left, making an unsteady pyramid before doing a slight jump and elbow dropping down onto the wreckage.

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?A boy in girl’s clothing ch3

The judges finally came to their decision and said "you have the most skill in the size we are looking for as the top of the pyramid and a flyer so you are in congratulations."

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Freedom, Allies and Confrontation

Toro, noro and doro made a line one beside another, then soro and loro climbed on them, and finally zoro climbed to the top, forming the pyramid. then they all were enveloped by a strong light as their shapes melted together.

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The Cat Trap

His skull slowly changed shape, his face pushing out into a muzzle, and his ears becoming more pyramid shaped as they moved to the top of his head. there were no traces of humanity left. he was a completely normal cat. or, more accurately a kitten.

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Darkness Rising

It was shaped roughly like a rounded pyramid, a great talon of diamond curving up to touch the sky. the crystal of its walls shimmered day and night with repressed power, flickering and seething, wishing to be free of it's bonds.

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