A Libertine Looks Forward

""we developed the magical machines to explore our world," kody laughs, "and they turned them into weapon which they then turned on us to try and pacify our rebellion; forgetting the fact we created them and thus we knew how to take them apart.

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Scott's Remote | Chapter 13

He suckled on his pacifier, edged by the fact that he was completely unable to get himself out of the situation he was in, stuck in his messy diapers and forced to stay in one place.

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No good Deed Chapter 5: Welcome to Nursing

"guess we don't have to worry about that anymore" i huffed a little, and got a pacifier put into my muzzle for my trouble.

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Journal of Lonely Dog: College life...

Daddy said as he pushed a pacifier into my muzzle. i squirmed and kicked, crying into daddy's neck. he sat on the bed, humming and rubbing my back until i calmed down and became to tired to fuss. "dada, i-i wuv you buf i wann you fo be home foo."

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Burdens - Chapter 79: Addiction

He was pacified when they were together. it was not to say that the lust had gone, but rather had gotten worse. he had to "use the restroom" more often, and it felt as if it were becoming more and more of a chore as time went on.

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Pet Sketch

He was dressed in only a t-shirt and diaper, a pacifier hanging around his neck. he held the paw of vitani, his girlfriend and "momma". they both smiled at the naked fox lying on the girly dog bed.

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Chapter Eighteen

I glanced over at anna and shrugged my shoulders since katy still occasionally had a bottle or her pacifier, though she was slowly weaning from them.

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Jade's Origin Story

Jade reached up for the bottle, eager for the formula, his pacifier fell from his muzzle and his diaper crinkled as he squirmed. "i'll take that as a yes."

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Day 29 - Ill

There wasn't much time left, the spirits shouting warnings as i got closer to the edge but with one last push of golden light, the disease was pacified, sated for the time being. my orc's breaths became longer, less frantic.

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Scott's Remote | Chapter 4

The logo of a baby bunny grinning around a pacifier with it's eyes closed in glee briefly appeared on the screen of the remote as the device registered being connected with the nanny bot.

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A Puppy Summer

Darkness soon made way for the light that reflected off a soothing grey fur, revealing a small wolf pup, quietly nursing on his pale blue pacifier, which shined and glowed brightly.

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Little League

"one more 'but daddy' and you'll be sucking on your pacifier. understand?" he kissed the fox's cheek. andlat wiggled in the car seat, still upset about being stuck in a diaper for the entire practice.

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