Dreams which may come true...
There was going to be a weight room for the wolves to associate with other packs from around the city while, a lounge area for the felines to lounge around in while sipping on milk, a massive pool for the merfolk to swim around in for hours on
The Sylarium : Part 6
Zedryn was still lounging around, finishing his meal. he looked up at thorolos and cocked his head. thorolos held up the tablet and he nodded, returning to his cooked seal.
So they lounged on the sofa, and began mustering the energy to grab more pasta.
Unfinished Business part 1
The boys then joined tamati in the lounge for a snack break when falco came into the room looking a bit nervous as he held a piece of paper in his hand.
Winter's Little Surprises(Prologue)
You fly up past the clouds only to see rainbow dash lounging. a daring doo book was tucked in underneath her front two hooves.
3. Matricuation
Daschiel lounged on a divan. "what?" "you're going to the space academy." "what?" "you heard me. pack a day-bag; barest essentials. you've been enrolled and classes begin in three hours."
University Life - Staffroom Meeting
He smiled and without wasting a second pulled out his cell phone and began texting fiona with a strong sense of adoration for her; she had known he would be in the lounge and was organised enough to prepare her little game.
End of My World 2
I said nothing, withdrawn in my thoughts as i made my way quickly through the lounge and down the short hallway to my bedroom. my mother recognised my withdrawn behaviour and said nothing.
Ian - Chapter 3: Coming out
I stepped out and put on my blue and white pajama lounge pants on, and a white t-shirt. as i walked downstairs snow began to fall from the roof. it was getting close to christmas, but i never really got anything.
An Act of Kindness
Seeing as how his locker was in walking distance he dropped his back-pack before his locker and darted into the teacher's lounge.
With No Working Title - Prologue
She jogged a little to catch up and walk beside him after they left the lounge.
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 6 - A Void
There's only two floors, one lounging area and an open one, probably used for training. the lounging area is practically a huge library with two seats and one couch. there's one big window, opening up to the view of longpoint city.