Shadow Of Chernobyl-Chapter 5-Echo Headquarters
He had jet black hair and was dressed in a well decorated general's uniform. his eyes were bright green,with slit black pupils and inhuman flecks of bright blue threaded into them.
Another Chance: Chapter 2
There was wreckage, including a jet engine which was close by. he figured that this time, he came up out of the water in a location where the engine missed him.
A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 14 -A Fiery Interlude-
James slowly made his way to the entrance to the cave, gazing out at the dark...jet black clouds.... what had happened...? why was the sky dark as midnight...?
Chapter 15 - Practicalities
The only thing that needed to be done was the jet engine output to get the bird off the ground. "curious, when are you gonna start calculations with the jet output?" he finally asked after a good while.
Blackspace: A Pilot's Burden-Chapter 1
Once i got close enough to the pad i flared up to near vertical and fired my maneuvering jets at full power.
Sonic X. The Wealth of Friends Chapture 1: They Came into Town on a Steel Horse.
"so thats why you have two tails on your jet there. they are both very nice." said fara making tails blush red. "i really like your tail also fara.
To The Dragon Lands! Maybe Chapter: 2
But the water jets were coming faster and now there were four twisters. to top it off a shield of water had appeared in front of the shark.
The Darkness Within
I can feel the electricity running on the tips of my jet black hair as i free fall through clouds ripping them apart at the speed i was going.
Bushido White: A Poke'mon Story
Samurott turned to face the boulder, and took off in a blinding "aqua jet" charge with its paws spreading like ripples, closing in on it while lowering it's mighty horn. it connected with a loud "crack!"
Ceowolf's Background Info (Character Development - WIP)
Eyes glowing a crimson red the fur from his mane jetting backwards. six black claws protruding from his shoulder blades.
High Tail High Chapter 4: New Conflict
With a jetted leap, mark pounced the other fur and crippled him to the ground, just feet away from the goal line. chad wasn't too far off, the ball richocheted out of the fur's paws and now cradled in his paws.
The war of metal solders
But before the jets could start a bullet came raging through my right wing. sending a jolt of pain up my back.