
Like a bird, raising wing and increasing to intimidating heights, only this beast needs no display. outmatched in size and strength, the townsfolk tell her that only the nimble feet and noble courage of a wolf at heart can fell such a creature.

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Chapter 3: How long?

Himself from society, this was the first newspaper he'd looked at since he'd turned himself into an anthropomorphic tiger and a year since he'd managed to further splice his dna, he'd grown a couple feet taller and somewhat wider but now he was all the more intimidating

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Divine Age

The blue cover bore upon it a intimidating countenance, hotaru squinted to make out its wore lines. it was some sort of reptile, but its face was too jagged to be either a snake or lizard. large spines seemed to protrude and plates covered its features.

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Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 12

You thought you could intimidate me?" "i guess i forgot the lesson of david and goliath, dad."

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The Serpent Curse - Kiah Meets Critter

You're not intimidating enough. bearded dragon: but... you didn't eat me because my fierceness, remember? kiah: uh, no, you're too cute to eat. (beat) well, not unless absolutely necessary. now come on.

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Part I. The Stench of Crows

This tactic was used by crows to try and intimidate owls into going yeep. going was the worst thing that could happen to an owl. it's when extreme fear or excitement causes the wings of an owl to lock, rendering them unable to fly.

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Canvas and Melody - Chapter 3

I'll admit, that was intimidating, but it was hot as hell, and hopefully she understood that minds like ours were a gift of good genetics, hard work, and simple luck.

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Got Moshpits?

The security saw that look too though, and were far less intimidated than the jealous attendees in the other line; they were annoyed.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 48

With all the holes drilled they traded for the rivet-gun, which to lyza looked more like the world's most intimidating cashew-nut cracker.

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Curse Claws Ch.2 Setting the Stage.

I didn't think i was that intimidating!" kai stayed silent, looking like he'd been hit with a truck as samantha finally got her giggles under control and stood up to lay her paws on daniels shoulders, looking into his eyes.

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[Karma's Fate] - New Beginning (Chpt. 6)

I've noticed he is a strict, intimidating dog. he seems to have the power to torture others, probably mentally and physically. he was probably sent to try and capture me. all makes sense now, i've noticed he had the mark on his shoulder.

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The Plains- Chapter 2: Trespassers

He was clearly trying to intimidate us and it worked on asha. she cowered and was clearly terrified." she stopped as jakk'al opened his maw. "asha showed weakness to vazari. that is not acceptable. go on." jakk'al shook his head, frustrated.

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