Hippo Hype

They had already guessed what was going on when their belly began to grow like it was being inflated, but with their mane receding and their feet growing plumper right before their eyes they knew what was happening.

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Bod's Day Off

**Bod's Day Off** Pleasant dreams. The warmth of the covers, and the enveloping darkness. This was how most days got started for Bod, as the rising sun began to peek its way through gaps in the bedroom window curtains. Before the dozing dragon could...

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Alice's After Party Clean Up

Because there are very few ways to effectively "watermark" a story, this submission may be viewed as a PDF file on Google Documents. Click [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1sS6dpHn5YRSzRRWmtrQXloS2s/view?usp=sharing) to continue reading. No...

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Hasquet request: Chapter 3

**Chapter 3: The lost temple** We looked around as we saw nothing but darkness. "It's really dark in here, Adam." I knew what to do. I got a torch and two rocks. I swiped the two rocks together a few times until the torch lit with fire. "Wow!"...

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Ship's Travel (Otherwise Untitled)

Anyone who discovers what happened to the night shift will be given the remaining three inflatable beach balls that fell out of that defective crate last year.", pausing to review his data pad.

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A Dragon's Life 09.12 (Anger)

My sister's allowance is already a huge difference with me when i was her age, even considering the inflation, and my mother's making all kinds of excuses to help her. i once asked her to print a report i had to submit when i was 11th year in school.

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Venturing: Awaitor

It had seemed that a spark had inflated in her mind. a jog of memory that caused her to jolt upright. was it the mention of 'we'? could it be...?

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Madkat Chance, Part 2 [COM/STORY]

Part of it all, chance was finding all the zaniness around him really amusing, watching a kid blowing into a balloon and making it float like it was inflated with helium, and then observing a tall thug grabbing a smaller kat and compressing him it into a ball

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A Bed For Life

Was much more than that: when he wanted to rest on his back, fully reclined and stretch out (which was most of the time) it let him do just that; but when he wanted to sit up - often as part of the unenviable process of getting out of bed - it expanded and inflated

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The demise of Mr. Foxington

The demise of Mr. Foxington By Klivord It was a grey skied day with a chance of rain and two furs were walking aside a country road, they were walking to small town but not so quickly that they would burn many calories. They were both male, one of...

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And just where did you leave your colony?

Even before we had all the building matériel brought down from orbit, we had puffed-up our inflatable habitats, just like we were camping out.

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