Moving On. (Chapter 2)
He then heard crying in the graveyard. what will happen now?
Clown Mare 9-1
He walked through the graveyard and stumbled upon the two family members that died. the casket was out in the open. he walked towards it carefully. his heart was pumping. spider webs and dust everywhere.
Regarding Carrion Diets
Other species don't hang around graveyards and dig up dead bodies for food!" the crow paused to process this information and took a peck at his blueberry scone, "well, maybe they should.
Janna took it, pausing to glance in the mirror behind jasiri, seeing the elephant skull emblem of the graveyard clan emblazoned on her face.
File #4
It felt as if they were sneaking through a graveyard at midnight.... with any luck, they could escape romulan encounters all together...
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Six
Attacking the vines digging and supporting the tunnel is a useless gesture while they're using these graveyards to feed it." "i giving a command to all military and militia personnel across the planet," yelena spoke again.
Star Fox: Ascension #04 INFILTRATION
"no, there were more soldiers here, we could hear them, but they've all probably gone to the graveyard." "the graveyard?" fox asked, leaning out a bit more to check that the cave was still clear. "it's the ruins we were studying.
That made him pause, he was buried face up, like a corpse in a graveyard. in his steadily blurring thoughts scott just had time to appreciate the irony before something sharp struck his leg. "ow..."
Cub of Destiny: Premonitions (Chapter 7, COD II PREVIEW!)
"an elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince..."_ _"what're we supposed to do? kill mufasa?..." "mufasa! quick! stampede, in the gorge!..." "long live the king..." "the land won't last long under scar's rule.
Eventually cynder was to tired to continued and land in the first place she could find, it was an ancient dragon graveyard half way up a mountain, how fitting for me, she thought to herself with a sad sigh.
Cygnus X-1: Book One- The Voyage
He had already heard of several companies which solved the problem of graveyard overcrowding throughout the solar system by committing the deceased into the black hole of cygnus x-1, the closest to solaris (the sun.)
Aged Patience at Dusk (Otherwise Untitled)
~ the day's task completed early, by virtue of a bit of luck and proper tooling access, the synth lingered at the graveyard just out of the edge of town.