#21 of The Hyena’s Concubine
CH21 of The Hyena's Concubine.
Janna knelt before the hyena as she jabbed the ink-laced needle into her face again, doing her best not to grimace in pain.
Jasiri grinned as she watched the lioness's face being tattooed from Mufasa's former throne, eager to order about her new vassal.
"Now, Janna...", the hyena began, gently stroking Fuli's head as the cheetah shemale knelt bound and muzzled next to the throne. "...I assume you know what being a vassal entails?"
"Yes, milady.", Janna affirmed after the hyena tattooist finished.
"Good.", Jasiri said, handing the lioness a roll of parchment.
Janna took it, pausing to glance in the mirror behind Jasiri, seeing the elephant skull emblem of the Graveyard Clan emblazoned on her face.
_Vile traitor, _Fuli thought angrily as the silk-draped lioness stood before Shenzi's captain, receiving favors for her disloyalty.
"Dismissed.", Jasiri said to Janna. "Next order of business."
"Mistress, we captured these two lions raiding our stores.", a hyena said, gesturing with her whip to a pair of bound and muzzled lions being led into the room.
"MMMPPPHHH!!! MMMMMPPPPHHH!!", the lions screamed into the leather muzzles strapped to their faces as they were pulled forwards by leashes attached to their genitals.
"Hmmm.", Jasiri mused, grinning evilly as she looked down the males being forced to their knees.
"Turn them into shemales and secure them under the public toilets for the next month."
"MMMNNNNOOO!!!!MMMMMMNNNNNOOOO!!!", the lions protested as they were dragged away.
A nervous looking young lion stepped forwards, the collar around his neck identifying him as a conscript in the hyenas' labor force.
"And you are?", Jasiri asked.
"Manjano.", the yellow-maned lion replied, holding a scroll before him, bearing Shenzi's personal seal. "Shenzi sent orders for me to deliver this to you."
A guard took the scroll and brought it to Jasiri.
She unfurled it and began to read.
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_Several lions have been identified as harboring ill will towards our regime, their names are listed below. They are to be arrested immediately and sent to re-education camps. _
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The males are to be transformed into shemales(allow them some say in their new attributes).
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_Females are to be taught their responsibilities in the new order of things. _
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Hyena tutors and scholars are to take over the Pridelands' education system and begin shaping the lions' youth into a sort better suited to their new futures(Smallus Cockus's Fisium is recommended material to aid in this shift, as it was written by a lion).
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_Keep me and the council appraised of the exportation of the Pridelands' foodstuffs, as well as imports our new vassal state requires. _
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_Finally, the impudent pup who is delivering this message sassed me, spat on my new boots, insinuated some oh so unkind things about sweet Simba, and stolen important-looking documents(they're not) from my desk. _
In addition to being turned into a shemale and sent to the camps, he is to be spanked 100 times with the cubs' pussy and locked in a cock cage for a period of 3-6 months(your discretion).
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Sincerely, your Matriarch Shenzi.
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P.S., perhaps me and Simba could spend a night with you and Fuli sometime in the future.
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Jasiri directed the attention of the hyena guard next down towards the letter, then gave the messenger an evil grin.
"What?!", Manjano barked as he was seized, his hands swiftly cuffed behind him before he could react.
"It seems Matriarch Shenzi didn't take kindly to your disrespect and theft.", Jasiri chuckled as Manjano was muzzled.
"MMNNOOO! MMMNNOOO! MMMMMNNNNNNOOOOOOO!", Manjano screamed as he dragged away to his punishment, his muffled cries echoing throughout the palace.
"Next.", Jasiri said, grinning evilly as looked at the next supplicant, the young lioness's body quivering in terror.
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