Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 3
There was the path he had come through, a stained-glass window with the same image of a flame that had been on the coin and a maze of gears. perhaps if he navigated through the gears he'd find an exit. but... he saw a faster way out.
The Family Dive Story
"it's almost time for us to put on our gear, so just put them down so we can get you all ready." anton opened his mouth to retort, but the stern look he got from his father persuaded him otherwise.
Chapter 4: First Day (Part 2)
"with or without gear?" milo asked. "my dad likes to keep it safe so we use gear. wait, you don't use gear?" fox questioned. "yes and no, i use gear but i also don't just in case the gear fails. always be prepared for the worst.
Out Of The Frying Pan... Part 1
I set my gear out on the ground before me and take inventory.
A first step...
I screamed as i hit the gas harder and putting it into the last gear so it was going at 137 mph leaving a black stripe as i drove.
Vadim, Chapter 10: First Day at the Range
"and for you, put on this gear. this is the final test, so you will have to shoot in gear."
One Year Surprise
The bike clicked seamlessly from gear to gear and sarah leaned with him just right from corner to corner. they zoomed out of the town, each stoplight being farther apart than the last.
Showing them Up
The tank, filled with the sixty pounds per square inch of air really did add another sixty pounds to my already weighted gear. i stood, waiting for the rest of the class to catch up.
Character Reference Sheet - Rebecca
Clothing: same avalon foundation flight gear as the others. helmet visor cover features a lightning pattern painted on it.
The End ch5: The Mountain
"we should probably get started" he said, walking back to the hummer and getting some gear.
Wanderings Teaser
She looked through her bag, "of course i didn't think to bring any traveling gear." "i'm not going to salir, but you're welcome to travel with me until delth. you can resupply there or hitch a ride with a raccoon caravan."
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 44 - “no road is impassable for the tenacious”...
'okay, try shifting in second gear, how's that?' 'smooth.' 'alright, and third?' 'not so smooth...' 'okay, fourth gear?' 'it seems stuck... hey, isn't the engine supposed to be running when your switching gears?'