Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 6 - A Void
I never thought that i'd sleep in a fancy hotel either!
A Fateful Fall Encounter
From his left hand, roberts pulled out a fancy ballpoint pen, one that wouldn't look out of place in a ceo's office.
Hard Labour
Y'know, stuff like that fancy-looking desk. i wondered how fancy it'd stay if it got banged up, maybe squeezed a little too tight. accidentally, of course. hah.
The Holiday Tickle
The walls were made of stone, the entrance was lit by lanterns, and the floor inside was covered in carpet that had fancy designs on it. it was amazing!
Hell on Earth. Chapter 7
Anar didn't much fancy that! he passed over a crisp note to the shopkeeper, not getting a lot of change back, vaguely wondering how hyper rap was going to be after licking a whole push pop.
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 3
But he was so cute and abortable in that fancy little bunny suit, she just couldn't help but giggle to herself.
Broken Bridges Chapter 1
"classy." caleb brushed the crumbs off his face. "always classy. i swear if we weren't twins i wouldn't be able to believe we were related." i chuckled to myself as i chewed on my food. a few others joined our table but, kept to themselves.
[Commission] Thievery: The Ruins of Expansion; or the criminal teacher and her flaming butt
He thought he was sooo smart with his fancy canterlot diploma and his "alternative teaching methods" and his "concentration on the individual students". what did he know?
Towers of Seshin: Part 2
I don't want to become master mage and have some kind of fancy title. i just wanted to live my life normally and somehow make my father understand that i don't want to be a king!"
Legend of Spyro: A Change in Destiny
"maybe cyril sent it" suggested spyro "it can't be cyril's handwriting isn't that fancy maybe terrador?"
The Book of Warlock 1. We begin with death.
Magic was for mages, who wore flowing robes with big hoods, and waved long, fancy sticks around with mystical gems bound at the top.
What Once Was Eden Chapter 7 Part 1 of 4
She was allowed to pick what she ate, if the inn was fancy enough to give a choice. of the six places they'd stopped to eat, only two offered a selection and all the choices were less than eighty silver.