S4 Ep25-The Island of Despair falls
Dudley tried to follow his dad as the kings had already left but got pinned under some rubble falling as that knocked him out cold.
SENTIENCE - Chapter Three - Long Fall
The gist is that i was currently falling to the ground fast enough to make a scientist lose their lunch--in eight years anyway. but i didn't have long to fall, only about 11 seconds from the time i leapt out.
'with his eye's black,with a black tear falling from the left eye.'with shackles of chain's on his to wrist,so his white dirty feet too,were shackled in chains.'
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 19: Light
#21 of a curtain falls over furdom this story can/will portray levels of gore, violence, sexual behaviors (m/m, m/f, f/f, ....), upsetting stuff, etc. that may not be suitable for infants/minors or the weak of heart. know that you are free to read.
Discovery - Chapter 2, Chamber of the Falling Stars
I jolted upright as I heard a loud, terrified screaming. I quickly got out of my tent and frantically looked around to see the others doing the same, except for Dexter, who was holding one of the waddling fish in his hands. "This stupid thing-" The...
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 17: Bite
#18 of a curtain falls over furdom this story can/will portray levels of gore, violence, sexual behaviors (m/m, m/f, f/f, ....), upsetting stuff, etc. that may not be suitable for infants/minors or the weak of heart. know that you are free to read.
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 16: Threats
#17 of a curtain falls over furdom this story can/will portray levels of gore, violence, sexual behaviors (m/m, m/f, f/f, ....), upsetting stuff, etc. that may not be suitable for infants/minors or the weak of heart. know that you are free to read.
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 15: Recovery
#16 of a curtain falls over furdom this story can/will portray levels of gore, violence, sexual behaviors (m/m, m/f, f/f, ....), upsetting stuff, etc. that may not be suitable for infants/minors or the weak of heart. know that you are free to read.
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 12: Risks
#13 of a curtain falls over furdom this story can/will portray levels of gore, violence, sexual behaviors (m/m, m/f, f/f, ....), upsetting stuff, etc. that may not be suitable for infants/minors or the weak of heart. know that you are free to read.
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 11: Survivors
#12 of a curtain falls over furdom this story can/will portray levels of gore, violence, sexual behaviors (m/m, m/f, f/f, ....), upsetting stuff, etc. that may not be suitable for infants/minors or the weak of heart. know that you are free to read.
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 9: Station
#10 of a curtain falls over furdom this story can/will portray levels of gore, violence, sexual behaviors (m/m, m/f, f/f, ....), upsetting stuff, etc. that may not be suitable for infants/minors or the weak of heart. know that you are free to read.
A Curtain Falls over Furdom 3: Zombies?
#3 of a curtain falls over furdom the continuing adventure of two friends caught in... a zombie apocalypse? ... a weather catastrophy? ... a stellar phenomenon? they need each other to survive, and surviving will bring them closer together.