Past me, the Present: Jump!

The riches of an entire galaxy theirs to exploit, the voidsingers created ... will create ... a hegemony spanning the far ends of the milky way.


Paraskepite- Epilog

#21 of paraskepite epilog life returned to normal and a new topic for the media to exploit fill in now that they no longer promoted mad cow disease.

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City of the Damned - Chap VI

It was then talon noticed something - something that he could exploit. the weapon was not mearly held to behemeth, it was chained to his arm! talon had little time to work with, but he thought fast.


The Birth of the White Death

"good, we have all heard many tales of others, but what about your own exploits?" this caught me by surprise. few ever ask about my own tales. "well i do have a lot of my own but a teller telling about himself is just bragging is it not?" "i see...

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The Hunter (The Sheriff's Dog)

She exploited the last of the white wolf's powers to curse seymour into becoming a hunted beast himself. to see how it was - always running, always afraid for his life. but they were meant to bring balance to nature, not revenge.

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Theory of Everything

They find an exploit and run arbitrary code on your system to fuck you up and spread around. sometimes they self-modify their own code so the immune system won?t catch them next time. oh, but sometimes they get something right. see, that?

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Shopping Spree (Richard and the Fae - Ch09 )

Richard had allowed him to use enough magic to repair his current attire, but he hadn't allowed his temporary vassal to conjure up any new outfits, mostly for the reasons stated above but also because he didn't want the little imp to find a loophole to exploit

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Coons and Theft 8 (Final)

This story is just one variation i have about rei conner and his exploits. is this the end of it? no. i do plan to continue rei and garrison, at least in fun little stories that will make people who read these past eight smile.

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Alabaster and the Ring of Winter (excerpt)

It has been over a centaury since she passed on, but i had heard many a story detailing her exploits. how or why the mage has any of these books is astounding. grove keeper's usually only pass on their tomes and knowledge to those succeeding them.

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Haunted Suite: Inferno

exploitative creatures would also fall under being a predator, i would feel. especially when they aim to hurt someone else," fenadu began caressing rosebud again. _the way in which he pets that flower is just...unsettling.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 1

"james, after watching the news cast about william's exploits, i came to realize that the interstellar terran navy is going to need young men like him, and soon.

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A Wolf In Flannel Clothing

In a way, it completed him as a character far better than any of his other exploits ever had; it made him feel.. human. made him feel whole.

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