Coon Fandango 4: Just another day.
The coyote takes another sip of her cup, then holds it out. "add a little more milk." then, as soon as he complies, she adds, "and pour yourself a cup, too." "thank you, mistress," he responds cautiously.
Warm Up - 10 | Company
They sat on a nice bench made of steel-textured wood, both of them with a cup of clear coffee in metal cups. one of them was ricky, unsure, anxious, and looking for anywhere to unwind. the other?
Favors Requested (Otherwise Untitled)
~ the badger replied with a gurgling of gratitude, suffering no sharp interruptions to emptying his mug.
Is it 101 or 102 Dalmatians ? Part eins or part one
It might be the water pipes in the floor they are getting old " said anita patting his shoulder " come on let's have a cup of tea" she said "great that all the british say don't worry have a cup of tea hilter invaded poland have a cup of tea" moad rodger
Streets of His City | Chapter 3
He took a small sip from his mug and wrinkled his nose. he didn't cringe as visibly as rivard had, but it was clear that he wasn't very fond of his ale either.
Not I: Murderous Mares / Betrayed
Rarity's prized and expensive tea set is missing a cup, the cup found on scene... i wish it wasn't so... but yes, they are all guilty." "what are we going to do? there hasn't been a murder in equestria for several hundred years."
Sacking Paris - Chapter 1
Sending a smile to his friend before he too took another deep swag from his mug of ale.
Their Color
She carefully made sure the plastic nozzle was on the rim of the mug and added the whipped cream in a swirl, making a mountain on top of each mug.
Movie Date [Hetero / Feline]
Taking the hot chocolate from the male cat, hesper brought the mug in close, having it under the blanket. the hot mug kept her paws warm, and just at the feel, hesper felt a sensation like ice was melting from her hands.
The Saldean War, Chapter One
May your days be long and your nights restful," said the innkeeper and hoisted his mug so they could salute. the old man banged his own mug against the innkeepers and muttered: "you too, and may you see light in the days to come."
Into the Pit Chapter 7: No Home
Well, we can't reach her father, she's not saying if she knows where he is, and," she said before lapping some coffee from her cup, "she doesn't have any relatives nearby she can call.
Brought to You by Swamp Weed Alchemy
Reverberating out, the table, kettle and cups - even the one in yukio's hand - became ghostly and see-through. unperturbed, yukio continued to sip from their now insubstantial mug.