In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 17)

My little village was converted and baptised.

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Jack's Tail: Chapter-11 Escape

It freaked me out when i woke up like this too after being converted. i only got over my hangups with what i am after being forced to admit that i will never be human or male again.

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Terrenea: Descension War - Prologue

Or would i be wasting my time in converting and sharing it? be honest now. :) **notes from a journal -** calliope 17th, my name is jason hubert, sergeant first class of the military of joramar.


HIVE Mother - Chapter 3

"you convert her, and don't regress her too bad with the beta-brain, or whatever you wanna call it--maybe she can give us some insight, or help us keep tabs on where they're gonna deploy swat at."

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Gemini – Chapter 3: One Body, Two Minds

The more he looked at himself the more depressed he got, but soon that depression was converted into anger at himself, at what he had become. this strange new presence within his head returned, it was encouraging his anger and he felt good.

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Chapter Six - When Blood Spills, Hatred Grows

He knew this was every detail of his body, his thoughts, his very soul, being converted into computer data and being sent across the network.

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Jacob’s Pinbar: Pokeblast

The building itself sat empty for a small period of time until a raichu gijinka named jacob steamclutch bought it, converted the place into a pinball gallery/ bar and grill with pinball machines, classic arcade games, a model railroad running on a shelf on

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Okami Amaterasu Transformation

I asked groggily in my new form with my new female voice, "hello dean. welcome to your new body" said amaterasu verbally, i looked at myself all over "what did you do okami", i asked her "i converted your human body and into an okami like me, cause

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The Second Sundering: Chapter 2

No, they trained for more convert operations. it was how they got to the undying before the other knights - they ambushed and slaughtered them rather than facing them directly.

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Interstellar Dissonance: “Elements”

._ _then the nitharians began to use tak'roki to extend their lives, converting the old and dying into tak'roki beings, artificial lifeforms of pure energy. they looked everywhere, and saw species in endless conflict.

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Clans of the Masquerade Prt 3

No other clan in the world has the ability to convert a vampire to their ranks. this gives the baali the ability to spread like a virus, turning other vampires into more of their own.


What Love Can Do (Draft #1)

John was pretty shocked of this kiss and he was praying to god in his mind to make all evils out when he saw the dog is converting. it grown a humanoid arm and feet. it lost her dog breasts and grown two humanoid breasts.

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