Nuclear War
I leaned against an apc, watching the little flashes emanate from inside the cloud.
The Fire Burns
Dashie soon arrived, pushing a storm cloud. she kicked it, and it began to pour rain down onto the fire. several other pegasi arrived behind her, also carrying clouds.
Welcoming Skies
Laying there he relaxes with each deep breath of the sweet aroma, as ray of light shine through the clouds warming up his fur. tannis stares up to the clouds and wishes he could float freely as they do.
MLP Nightmare in Fillydelphia
He blinked at the large number of ominous clouds. "where did you get these clouds anyway?" moon glow laughed nervously and clopped her hooves together. "um, hehe, whitetail woods." "what!" she hurriedly continued her explanation.
The Last Act of True Loyalty
One evening silva took emily up into the clouds for some flight training. "hey squirt pay attention to this trick", silva called out to emily. "you got it silva", emily replied.
Winter's Little Surprises(Prologue)
Your eyes caught sight of that long, rainbow tail hanging over the edge of the cloud; it wasn't too hard to spot against the grey clouds. stretching out your wings, you lift yourself into the sky to level yourself with the blue mare.
Chapter XII: Tau Ceti, Part Two
Basil looked out of the portal as they arrived at terraona prime, purple dark clouds seemingly popped off the surface, tiny dots of titanium appearing with in the clouds.
Candy Land
He floated on the backs of clouds through the cosmos, weightless, comfortable, and entirely at peace with the universe. and then he was a cloud himself, just soft, just as round, just as fluffy as they were.
Born For Loyalty Chapter 3
Firefly winced as rainbow crashed into a cloud earning laughs from some colts nearby. spreading her wings firefly went over to rainbow. "you okay squirt?" she asked as she helped rainbow out of the cloud.
Planet of Magic chap 2
"now to try my acid cloud!" shouted dak as he flung his hands up into the air and a cloud of acid vapor was sent crackling across the ground towards a target in front of him. it hit a heavily armored rhino man and his armor was melted off of him.
As i returned home the clouds parted and the dim light of ancient stars graced the icy world. i stood, starting up at them, their faint light a rare and beautiful sight.
A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 15 -Darkness-
Alex shouted angrily at him, his smaller form jetting upwards into the black clouds. he was blinded for several minutes as he jetted upward the smog of the clouds simply an impassible cloud of smog.