Cold Magic
Looking about, it was difficult to imagine looters preying upon whatever hidden riches the palace might hold, despite the years since the catastrophic earthquake had levelled the city.
Chewy: Leon's dream pt.2
That we were to the south of the battlefield, at large, we looked in the horizon to see that of a temple that was covered with the color red, "so much blood was spilled in this battle; however, children, and mothers were able to escape before this behemoth catastrophe
Step By Step
No school dances, girlfriends; i lie; i had one that ended in an emotional catastrophe on my part, kind of confirmed my own sexual status after that and let me bury myself deeper inside.
Chapter 24: Hidden Truths
The entire 'city' had been torn apart... not by time... but by a catastrophe... rubble lied in the streets as something had happened what looked like eons ago. what it was, he couldn't say.
Shouting at the Forest - 0x00
Without one, the habitat would eventually fail, with fatal or even catastrophic consequences. or as the terminal put it, "habitat-wide existential risk." "how long have they been peripheral?" kurn asked.
Uncertain Chapter 1
Last but not least, many thanks to ragewolver, lupine catastrophe, and pietus for their thoughts in getting this one together. stay awesome guys! wednesday, end of the morning shift.
The United Earth Coalition/ The United Earth Coalition of Exploration
The people who went under a gender identity that was not scientifically proven turned out to be bi-polar and some other dangerous mental illnesses that left untreated could be catastrophic for humanity as a whole.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 61
catastrophes, especially those related to faith, always had devastating effects, she had seen faith fading in many pilgrims before who turned away from the ancestors when faced with a chain of unfortunate events.
The Home Front
It didn't take long to find out that, in the real world, vortices in the output channel eventually cause a catastrophic shockwave. it blows up," she added, for his benefit; the wolf nodded.
With Fire in the Night: Chapter 2
I ran into a near-catastrophic computer problem that forced me to restore from a week-old backup.
Heavy Metal Poisoning
"understand that i have just averted a catastrophe. not one employee in this entire building is real. they are machines, run with the mind's of 'deceased' criminals housed within their bodies. i am, or was, their first victim."
Adept Paws 4: Stones
When it became clear nothing catastrophic was going to happen, rea peered into the dark space. far below, two eyes glinted in the darkness and sunlight caught on water and wet fur.