Light for the Future
Despite being in human captivity, i'm sure you're aware that white dragons such as yourself are incredibly blessed with magical stature and status." "i don't have a name to call you," i winked, "so sir's the best i could do."
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep04
The music gradually switched into a more upbeat tune and the fox began her dancing routine, performing some amazing contemporary dances, nimbly prancing and twirling all over the circus ring and captivating the audience's attention.
Gumiho: Our Life Has Just Begun (3)
My stomach churned, watching the process, at once both captivated and horrified. it was like a slasher film, where the jigsaw killer has you cut off an extremity for his pleasure, only i wasn't finding any pleasure in the process.
Lost Wanderings: 1
Kirin had fallen asleep in his arms shortly after the had started moving, the jaguar obviously exhausted by his time in captivity and able to sleep now that he felt safe.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 40: If You Are Going To Be A Bear Be A Grizzly (We Go Down Together Part VI)
Stay here captive." shred said running toward his friends, his hooked swords splayed. kiwi watched as shred rampaged, impaling and lifting the purple spider who was dragging off his friends.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 39: Sometimes The People We Think We Know Best Are The Ones We Don’t Know At All (We Go Down Together Part V)
His accommodations were quite exquisite; while he was still a captive of perna pride it was obvious he was not being abused.
Torn, tied, captive i rest here with closed eyes for i dare not look to the future as i am afraid i'll lead a lonesome lie a silent misery tears and scratches my soul i am bound by myself and others however, this misery is mine alone hidden by comedy
The Prisoner
I have been your captive, your slave... forced to perceive, forced to feel what you want me to. enough. i'm done cowering in your shadow, hiding from what you force me to see while i sleep in your cage she's mine.
Life is a Lie
Death is freedom from this lie, to live is to exists in false hope, in death i am still a captive, in life i'm in false hope, but all i hope for is truth or deceit, i am an indefinite presence, with the wish for a known basis to
Chapter One
Sigmund was said to have a soft place in his heart for foxes, as captives were always well treated, but society at large held a certain silent disdain for the downtrodden foxes.
Heritage of Ash, Chapter 4: Encroaching Shadows
Why have you taken me captive?! i am a courier of new kolyat's stand, under direct orders from the marshal larkiin! i demand you explain yourself!"
Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Vesrynn
Determined to restore hope to his human companion henry, vesrynn navigates the bleak, foggy abyss holding henry's grandfather captive.