Hyperion Chronicles: Information Sheet-The Beast

It seems capable of breeding, and it is thought the bishop is the next stage of full beast evolution.


A Shifter Introduction.

Once a shifter is old enough to breed and carry on its blood line, it will leave its new home and begin to wonder.

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In From the Sad Day Out

"i see our breeding party ... our former," she corrected, quietly, "breeding party ... " " ... yes?" " ... is disbanding." seward blinked, standing with his back (slightly) to her. in the fur. his frame appealing.


Empty Nest

"you, uh ... used to be in a breeding party with the captain, didn't you? and then you left?" "my species generally open-breeds, yes. or, at least, they did." a breath. "the tide is slowly changing.

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Nezoroth Chapter 1

Nez himself was a pureblood, but a vastly different breed. the rarest breed actually. nez was a micro drake. he topped out at about four feet tall, and the others towered over him. in fact the only person shorter than him was shahim, a mouse.

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Moonlit in Fog

"i wanted to breed. and to see what it was like." "breed?" i had never seen solids created, only destroyed. "you might have seen my children. they stay inside during the day, but come out during the full moon." it sighed.

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The Song of the Slayer - Prologue

But i tell you, our close breeding does not make one worth salt. battle-brothers and sword-sisters are born in blood or spilt in battle, now there the bonds of breeding quail!

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Life as a anthro chapter 1 billy the orphaned dino

"besides i bet some of you are gold that this 'half-breed' is leaving..." he told his human friend. victor shook his head and then left.

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RH's Brachina

In some instances, gnolbolds will collect a mating group then breed them like livestock and take their offspring as their personal breeding pets and slaves.

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The Sitter chapter 3

"you see," he continued, drawing the blade back slightly as he cackled, "i figure that if i take out that "cursed" eye of yours, then you'll have one less thing to worry about; you'll just be a filthy half-breed instead of a "cursed" filthy half-breed."

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The Sitter chapter 2

The wolf barked viciously, his hackles rising as he began to snarl at the still relaxed arren, the other two quickly joining in, "i fucking hate all you half breed freaks! i'll kill the lot of you!"

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