Planetary Warfare

Main artillery opened up, flattening their static defenses and after brutal resistance in the open-top trenches and deeper bunker complexes, the front eventually shattered, and without artillery fire to halt the advancing choatic reclaimer army, forcing a breakdown


August 5: At the Ooshima Inn

In his first job when we moved, dad even came close to having a breakdown." "i... i'm sorry..." tora's grip loosened. "it's alright. his job now is better. all his colleagues used to live in the country too, from what he told mom and me."


The Cat's Stroll 09

The two spoke of various, inconsequential, random topics along the way, causing the others to almost have a nervous breakdown. "we've arrived. ti ping, scout if it's ahead." "un."

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References of the rebels of Gaia

-bohdi at first comes off stoic not showing much emotion, but after one breakdown later he is actually a pretty timid quiet person and having an insecurity with his body image.

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The Changing Face of Evil

For they hinted of breakdown. breakdown. you are mere feet from an airless space. so horrifying in its coldness. instant death. you are in a piece of metal, days from sunlight. days from clouds and air and solid ground.



Anyways, still don't own either digimon or naruto ((if i did, a lot of people would notice a few changes ;) )) and i don't own beautiful breakdown or somewhere, the two songs where i use in here.

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Coming of the Dragon

A couple of people even seemed to be suffering from a mental breakdown. they did not get the chance to recover from their breakdown. the dragon's tail had lifted up again and this time it was coming back down directly on the boat we were on.

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The Red Tiger Chapter 3

I nod slowly and give my response in a pained and scared voice resembling a lost cub "y-yea....i-i think i'm ok dad...i-i...i'm-" the tears and emotion bottled up in my throat burst out of me, i'm unable to speak, i just breakdown and cry on my fathers shoulder

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Afraid For All

I would be the model citizen for my family and fellow man, protecting the innocent when somebody struck in a fit of rage or mental breakdown at the local mall or post office.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Seven

She'd just had a nervous breakdown the night before. there was no telling what she could have done last night in the state she was in.

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Touya - [For a Night Or Two]

As he might there was nothing to deny the fact that he was, for all intents and purposes, immortal, an anomaly that heaven didn't want, and hell didn't dare to take, and it left him frustrated... in the time it took for him to heal he had suffered mental breakdowns

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A Milky Delight

He rolled over on his side, belching again as milk oozed between his teeth, and gave his massive and immobile gut a caress, feeling his prey breakdown and build up the already impressive layer of fat on his middle that his claws easily sunk into.

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