Tower of Ancients Chapter 8 ~The True Power of Zen and Sen

He walked down the long hallways as he stood before the doorway to anubis' chambers. inuko lighted up his hands as he pushed opened the large doors. the purified flame still danced strong as the ground moved like waves.

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Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 3: Meow Like an Egyptian

~guide, chapter 2 the sandmelters of anubis live in a cave like most desert dwellers do in groups, but with one minor detail: that cave is buried deep underground at every side.

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A Failed Duty - Chapter 6

After reading this story, please rate it, so that others may find this series, thank you. Disclaimer: The following will contain homosexual individuals and relationships and may be an interesting commentary on life, death, immortality, God, gods...

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Accidents Happen - Part 2

Khaliset felt the need to be a larger part of the mortal world than her heritage allowed. Though her father never knew, Khaliset continued to secretly watched the boy she had once saved. The demigod became familiar with Rahotep and his family. She...

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Those who Walk In Dream - Beginings, Part 2

Sutekh, crane, jackal, she couldn't be thinking of doing that, skie thought...jackal, serpent, scarab, sun, crane, anubis...ra?! "shit!!!"

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Eight

anubis said in a friendly tone as he smiled at the small alien. "next, the twins, kala and zulu. they are trained in systems and are my main assistants at the bridge." k9 presented two evos that were identical.

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Temple of the Dark Guardian

I could hear him say, "anubis, guide my hands as i fulfill my role." it sounded like a mantra or something like that.

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Chronicles of the Tetrad Chaper 5: A Business Meeting

Myriad flashbacks of battle dance in my brain as for a split-second i tensed up, the familiar sounding screeds in the name of anubis involuntarily welling in the back of my mind.

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D.E1 Chapter 10: Inevitable fate

In the two last chapters we've seen what happened in the first attack through the eyes of a very young lay, and then we experienced the second attack through the memories of anubi's father; lucas.

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D.E1 Chapter 5: Retcans: A noble alien race

Husky, fx and this big guy by my side; anubis. the all got exceptional skills." "more than enough... get these three ready. i want them out as soon as possible." silver ordered.

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The Fifth Day

He remembered what he learned about their deities at school; how anubis, the judge of the dead, would way the soul of an individual against the feather of an ostrich.

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D.E1 Chapter 2: Our new home

They must've been the twins that anubis mentioned a while back. i was surprised that they were from a different genre of canis lupus. they were canis lupus dingo, or in our case, evocanis dingo.

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