Experiment 261 Chapter 9
Long story short, there are only a few laws which cover genetically altered people. and they were never designed for peopleas genetically altered as you. you are essentially a new species.
Beast Wars Shattered Glass (unfinished idea)
The predacons, knowing how devastating this could be to the past, makes it one of their missions to get to these stasis pods first and hide them away from the maximals, or, failing that, liberate the altered decepticons.
SWAT Kats: Vampire Stalker, Ch 9-12
"the antidote will work on a fully altered kat but we aren't certain what it will do to you two who are only half altered.
Furry Fan Interviews #8: FIESTA interviews CRUNCH from CRASH BANDICOOT
Do you remember anything before cortex genetically altered you? crunch: nope. he wiped my memory. fiesta: okay, guess it's time for audience questions.
Sorcery.Net: Into AltWorlds
Accompanied by a poof of fruit scented smoke, deign altered into a pixie like form, about a foot and a half tall, though keeping the mixture of snow leopard and dragon that she'd plucked from will's mind.
A Werewolf in Lewisham - 1, ??? Anonymous
It all started - like so many other unpleasant life-altering physical changes - with puberty.
Little Star Chapter 1
After altering his dragon fire so that a letter would go to her aide instead of her, celestia had spike write a letter. it told her aide to wake luna and have her come to the library.
The Devil's Toys
And i saw corey standing at the end of an aisle, in a tuxedo, next to an alter. that world faded as i felt corey gently nudge me awake. "i have to go" he said, "we're under attack."
Light Bane: Chapter 40
"death has no power in this altered reality. be wary of those who are unable to rest peacefully, for this is their hell."
Light Bane: Chapter 38 (Start of Part 5)
"altered reality," mused richie. "thanks to shawar and shalaka's energy, i can access more of my powers," said zenithia.
Ehre ich bin ein krieger aus alter zeit, deshalb auch stets zum kampf bereit! alte schlachten waren gross wurden geschlagen mit viel getos.
Out the stench skeleton beast climbs the height deathly silhouette against fertilizing pain green become yellow becomes grey nothingness fills the sky kills the weeds won't even grow at the center he lies trying not to breathe his dark altered