Cutie Academy - Chapter 6 "Reset"

A very short while later, a rock came back over the wall that said: "you don't need a description, you can see what i look like outside of school. we just can't talk and my name is ren."

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Unified Species of the Galaxy (Scrapped)

Infancy and toddler stages are very short in comparison. a list of the an individual "anthromal's" development has been created and i'll copy it here.


Everything you want to know about Cheshires - Chapter 0

The reason for this will be made apparent very shortly after i am executed and should satisfy the theoretical reader's needs.

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New Feelings: Chapter 7: Are you in, or are you OUT? Part 2.

What this means is that he's got a cool apartment with a very short staircase leading down to the kitchen and living room.

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Herdnan- Chapter Fourteen

They were there in a few very short minutes, at the place which was called "checkerboard pancake" he parked the chevy out front of the empty restaurant, got out and followed the other coon inside. "hey skreft! skreft's friend!"

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Exo Suits, Power Armor and Armor Pods

First is they are very complex machines that are expensive to maintain and second is that they have a very short operational time, especially for the heavier units, all of this means that while these machines are formidable, very few can actually field them

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Hypnovember Day 11 - Game

He took very short breaths in through pursed lips, and exhaled sharply through his nose. that kept the scent at bay, if only a little. "that's challenge number one, so let's see what gets layered on next!"

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End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 07

A little smile appears on the wizard's face for a very short of time. ortensia barely saw it but she can swear that smile was a smile full of pride and fun memories.

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Trouble Brewing

A story written for junga over at fa. a very short character background of his character in a world where [spoiler, spoiler] enjoy.

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Eight Wonderful Years

In this very short, but very sweet tidbit, i spin a little yarn about the life that rosie and i dream of, and the life that we will have someday very soon, no matter what it takes. happy anniversary, love.

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One of a kind: chapter 1

Please comment on whatsoever that you think might improve my writing, and don't worry, i won't bite. okay maybe a nibble on the ears ^^ anyway, this will be a part of a very short series that i'll be planning to publish.

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Sunset Bound

Jimmy ducked behind a wall to think taking care not to hit the princess against a wall, he could hear the bolts of the auto crossbows raining down upon the metal men, he also knew that if they weren't all gone in a very short time then they would be

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