Raven Squad Nine {The Beginning}

That chaos spurned a new age that saw the united states and the rest of the world broken.

Introduction To The WarZone

Seemingly on que to these discoveries, field agents started to apparently confirm what had been suspected from the evidence, werewolves had been discovered by the united states government.

Central Park Zoo: New Arival

I had little red and black arm warmers made for me by the people who took care of me before i was sent over to the united states.

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Chapter 5

_ today's date is the seventh of may, twenty-seventeen, nearly twenty days after the liberation of atlanta, and almost three months since the axis invaded the united states. we've been taking our land back, effectively beating back the opposition.

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Test Trial No. 3

"the goal of the united states is to bleed this bloc dry of military resources and the ability to do this bullshit again.

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Jerry Archer character Bio.

He escaped thanks to the help of a sympathetic corrections officer but ended wondering around the united states, depressed and on the run from the us marshals. he also became an alcoholic and drug addict.

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After Life

You are george harold dempsey, in life a resident of new york city, new york, united states of america, born in the same city to kevin and melissa dempsey in the year 1987, am i correct? the stranger explained - yes, that's.

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The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Book 4 (part 3 of 8) (an excerpt)

Maybe you missed the message, but there isn't a united states anymore. it's every city for itself now, and as far as i'm concerned, your kind is the reason for it. you're not natural, if they hadn't made the lot of you, we wouldn't be in this mess."

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File #9

"come on... breakfast isn't gonna eat itself..." she said, in a thick accent, most commonly attributed to the southern part of the united states on earth.

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Wayfinder's Journals (2)

I believe him when he says he's eager to know more about our fledgling nation, but there seemed more to it than that, so i pressed, and that led into a discussion about the united states, and why relations with the naga have never been anything short of frigid

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DU Chapter 1 - It's Degonyale, NOT Dragonscale

When i graduated at the top of my class in my senior year, i decided to go to degonyale university, a world-wide known college in the north-east united states.

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All Hell Breaks Loose

"this is an emergency warning issued by the president of the united states. a strain of an unknown disease has hit the nation. its cause is not yet fully known, but the effects are deadly.

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