All Hell Breaks Loose

Story by Roddic Lunarpaw on SoFurry

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Hey fellow furs, this is my first post and first published story. I have always wanted to post a story and I finally got around to do this. My little diclaimer thingy is just this. There are some scenes of explict violence, those that are easily disgusted turn back. The rest of you please read on. I guarentee this will get better as more comes along.. Oh and by the way, please leave a comment so I know what to do to make this story better. And yes I know three are typos, please bear with me. I am trying to fix this.


Roddic stepped out of the shower into the steamed filled bathroom. He grabbed a towel and began to dry his soaked white fur. After slipping on a pair of boxers, the wolf used the towel to wipe off the fogged mirror. The lupine opened his mouth to inspect his fangs and teeth. Next he patted down his cheek fur, which sported a black marking on each side that streaked down under his jaw, giving him the look that he had been crying. Nodding with satisfaction to himself, he pulled on his baggy pants and slipped the belt through the loops.

He exited the bathroom into the apartment where he was staying with his father and his fieasnce. Glancing into their room, he noted that the husky was not sleeping, but was probably out having a ciggerette. He sighed as he fell to his bed and stared up into the ceiling.

They had moved to Moses Lake about three years ago to escape the drama and problems back in Idaho. Back then nothing seemed to go right and they could never get anywhere. Then Roddic's father had learned that his fiancé had family out of state, and almost immediately they left from Idaho and moved to Washington. Now, they were staying in the apartment of a motel as the managers.

Roddic took a deep breath and forced himself to sit upright and grabbed his shirt to put on and reached out to pick up his pack of cigarettes when he heard the husky yelling outside. Roddic dropped his cigarette and rushed out the door to see the motel owner, Lydia grappling with the husky.

Two things stood out as wrong to the wolf. The first was that the husky was having a very difficult time pushing the much smaller cat off of him. The second made his blood run cold. Her eyes were as black as night. That meant only one thing. Demon possession.

He had spent wears hiding his secret, and with what had to be impossible amounts of luck, he kept it. But now, after all his hard work, the silence had to be broken. Flicking his right hand violently, he summoned the power he had kept hidden within and his entire paw burst into flames. "Dad!" he yelled, "Get down!" With all of the husky's strength, he threw the feline back and dropped. Roddic slung his arm forward throwing the fire at the feline. The fireball connected with Lydia in her chest and threw her hard through a nearby car, creating a crater in the side that completely engulfed her.

Roddic walked back over to his adopted father and offered a paw to help him up. The husky looked in shock at the paw that was offered, then shook his head and accepted it and jumped to his feet. "Was that fire you threw at her? And did you just use magic?" Before Roddic could answer, they both heard a sound that made their hearts freeze in mid beat. Both canine and lupine turned their heads towards the wreck and watched in horror as the feline pulled herself from the car, blood covering her petite body. "That is not normal," the husky breathed completely terrified. "No way that could be normal."

Roddic pushed the husky back and slightly bent his knees, readying for the attack. It came almost immediately. The feline charged impossibly fast and caught the wolf in the stomach smashing him against the wall. The wolf shook his head to shake the ringing in his ears and looked up in time to dodge a kick that left a hole in the wall. Roddic rolled out of the way and threw out a kick that caused the feline to fall. Acting fast. The wolf then threw another ball of fire at a possessed Lydia throwing her across the parking lot. Jumping to his feet, he dropped into a more relaxed fighting posture and waited. He only had one shot for this and he had to make it count. The feline rose to her feet and charged again. With all of his strength, the wolf delivered a spin kick to her jaw. With a sickening crack, she spun through the air and landed about ten feet away, her head bent in an unnatural angle. Within the next few moments, the only thing that was heard was the soft panting of the two males. It was Dallas that spoke first. "What in the hell just happened? Is she dead? Why did she attack me? I don't understand any of this at all!"

The husky was scared and the adrenalin was still running through him. Roddic put a hand on the only male who had ever been able to come close to being a father and was saddened to feel him flinch at his touch, but he kept his hand there, as if to tell the husky not to be afraid. As if to say it was all over.

"Yes, she is dead." The husky looked at the white wolf, his eyes filled with horror. Never in all the years that the wolf had know Dallas had he ever seen fear in those eyes. "But you saw her eyes, am I right?" The husky nodded. "She was possessed. As in demon possessed . Do you understand?" Again the husky nodded . "To answer you previous questions, yes that was a fireball and yes I can control magic. As far as her getting back up, I think we are safe." As if fate was pulling a cruel, sick joke, a bloodcurdling scream meet their ears from the distance. "You were saying," Dallas asked. Roddic had to force a smile at the irony as the deadly situation just got worse.

"Alright, follow me." Roddic motioned for Dallas to follow him to the big red suburban Dallas' cubs had nicknamed "Clifford" three years before. "Turn on the radio, please. It might be able to give a clue about what it going on." Dallas nodded and turned the key to the truck backwards and began to tune the radio. Meanwhile, Roddic searched the side of the middle seat for a piece of cloth that was out of place. Suddenly the report was heard all through out the inside of Clifford.

"This is an emergency warning issued by the President of the United States. A strain of an unknown disease has hit the nation. Its cause is not yet fully known, but the effects are deadly. It is highly recommended to avoid anyone show loss of speech, dilated pupils, and aggressive behavior. Please stay inside of your homes and lock your doors. A vaccine is currently being worked on. This has been a public warning from the White House and the President of the United States of America."

"Turn it off," Roddic said with a sharp growl. "That is what you get from the government," the wolf huffed. The husky turned the Suburban off and walked back to where the white wolf was. "What are you doing?" Dallas asked. Roddic pulled at the cloth and with it came the entire side until the entire middle of the seat slid out to reveal a smorgasbord of weapons. Dallas' eyes grew wide. "Where did that come from and how did you get all of those?"

The lupine looked over at the husky with a straight smile on his face. "Do you remember that television series we collected? The one about the two brothers hunting those creatures and ghosts and supernatural things." The husky nodded. "Well, I hunt things just like that. I have been hunting for about four years now and these weapons are gifts and other things I have received from fellow hunters. And the drawer was installed by a fellow hunter when you went to get Clifford completely restored. However, Dad," Roddic leveled his eyes at the husky. "This is the worst I have ever seen. Tomas was right, this could really be the end of the world."

Dallas was silent for a moment. Then another scream in the distance seemed to bring his thoughts to the surface. "If you had told me this an hour ago, I would have looked up the number to the local crazy home. However, from what I have seen and that I was almost killed by a Korean feline half my size, I really don't seem to have much of choice. So what do you plan to do? This seems to be everywhere and this could be dangerous."

Roddic would have proud to be counted on to be a leader from this husky Roddic had looked up to for so long. But now was not the time for pride, his family needed help and guidance and he was the only person who could do it. " To start with, you should go inside and wake up Heather. Try to break it to her as easily as you can. We need her to try and remain calm, for the for the cubs' sake. Meanwhile I will arm myself and try to contact Tomas."

"Tomas?" The husky asked. "What can he do?" Roddic sighed as he grabbed a strap suit with holsters everywhere to store different type of weapons. "Tomas has been a great asset to me through out the years. He can use magic like me, but his family has been doing this kind of thing for centuries. When I discovered my powers back in high school, Tomas was there to instruct me in the right way to control and use it." Dallas pulled out his cell phone and dialed his daughter. The phone fell from his ear. "No signal!" The husky spat. Roddic shook his head and slid a steel machete into a holster above his tail. "They must have take the towers out. Smart bastards."

"So how are you going to get a hold of him with out a phone?" The wolf simply laughed. "Dad, I can use magic, but you think I have to use a cell phone to call him? Come on Dad, use that fluffy head of yours." Roddic reached forward and grabbed a marble sized, blood red stone from the rack and held it under the husky's muzzle. "See this? It's a O'akra Du'Urzrah. A summoning stone. You focus on the Du'Urzrah and mentally send yourself to be near the person you are trying to reach and, assuming they have an O'akra Du'Urzrah, they should appear as if they were really right there next to you. A good example," The wolf added as a gryphon suddenly appeared next to the red suburban. He looked Roddic up and down then nodded. With a slight smile. "So, I see you have already found out what is happening. Eh, Chihuahua?" Tomas commented pointing to a spot of blood on the wolf's pants.

"Very observant, Kittyhawk," the white wolf said with a slight growl in his normally creamy smooth voice. "I have already figured out the demon possession part, but what I want to know is why. Why is this happening? Why now?"

"Chill down, fur ball. I am working on that. There could be a innumerable reasons. My best guess is that someone opened the gates to hell somehow."

Finally, the husky recovered from his initial shock of a gryphon appearing out of nowhere. "Or, maybe this truly is the end of days." The Roddic and Tomas stared at the husky as if they just noticed him. "I mean I don't have much of a clue about what you are talking about. But I do know that a little feline like Lydia should not be able to get back up when she is thrown through a car," Dallas turned from gryphon to wolf. "I am going to get Heather. I think it is time to leave before-"

"Roddic!" Tomas shouted and pointed at the motel parking lot entrance. A black wolf and a badger were headed their way, both with eyes as black as the darkest abyss. "Dad!" Roddic shouted. The husky nodded and headed into the apartment. "Well," Started the gryphon. "It seems like you are going to be busy for a while, so I will talk to you later. Get back to me when you have a minute." The wolf nodded and drew a sword. The cubs were asleep and he didn't need Heather to wake them up in a panic. As it was, he could already hear he screaming at Dallas.

"Come here big guy," He hollered to the wolf. "I just want to play." The wolf and badger started his way, both were rippling with muscles and left cracks in the ground where their paw stepped down. Roddic duck a blow to the space where his head was a split-second ago. Roddic swung his sword and missed the arm by inches, but instead caught the fingers separating them in a bloody spray. The wolf roared with rage and stumbled back, his injured hand held close to his body, blood soaking his shirt. Roddic jumped backward a few feet to avoid being crushed by a ham sized fist from the badger which left a crater in the ground.

Roddic smiled to himself. Maybe he wouldn't have to kill every possessed fur out there. If they could be hurt, they could be persuaded driven back. The black wolf raced forward and followed his companion's lead. The mutilated fist slammed into the ground spraying blood everywhere. Then again Roddic thought to himself. I should have known better. The white wolf was forced back again as the badger pounded the ground, then the wolf, then the badger again. The attacks cam in such a rapid succession that the wolf had no time to retaliate or even counter. Roddic chanced a glance behind himself and realized they were backing him against the building. "Smart bastards," he muttered under his breath.

Roddic leapt backwards again and sheathed the sword in midair. He turned and leaped onto a pillar and sunk his claws deep into the wood and began to climb as fast as he could to the second story. He vaulted over the railing and turned in time to see the wolf leap from the ground onto the second floor. The white lupine shook his head. As if to express his displeasure, the wolf slammed his bloody fist into the ground again creating a hole.

Enough was enough. He didn't want to wake the cubs or freak Heather out, but these two were going to bring down the motel if they weren't stopped now. Roddic reached down to either side of his waist and pulled out two magnums. The black metal gleamed in the overhead lights and seemed to tell of the black wolf's imminent doom. Roddic crossed his arms and aimed at the wolf's head. With a simple twitch of his fingers the guns recoiled back and the with a muzzle flash the bullets were let loose to hit their target. Gray matter splattered the wall as two small holes appeared in the wolf's forehead. The force slung the ebony wolf over the railing and into the badger who had began to jump up as well and knocked both heavily to the asphalt with a thick thud.

Roddic replaced the guns and jumped over the railing, using the black wolf's corpse as a landing pad and landed on a footpaw and a knee. The brute of a badger rolled to his feet and started his way towards the lithe wolf. "Alright, big guy," Roddic said to his opponent. "I think this little dance is over." Roddic placed both palms on the asphalt and willed the ground to mold and liquefy. Slowly, the badger began to sink. A slightly bewildered look slowly crept across the badger's face as his waist began to become engulfed by rock. Roddic removed his hands from the asphalt and smiled. The wolf flattened his palm and felt the energy grow, spreading into a wide disk. The flattened wind raced through the air as it hit its mark severing the neck from the shoulders.

As the head fell to the pavement, Roddic fell to his knees, he heaved twice and retched, spaghetti and garlic bread mixed with whatever else evacuated his stomach. Finally, when there was nothing else to heave, Roddic wiped his mouth with the back of his paw and tried to spit out some of the revolting taste.

With shaky legs, he forced himself to his feet. He had banished ghouls, ripped apart creatures more grotesque than one could imagine. Yet brutally killing another person was just something the wolf had a hard time accepting, even if he had no choice. At that time, Heather came out of the apartment door and stopped dead in her tracks. A quick hand from Dallas saved them from a blood curdling scream . Finally, Dallas got the frantic and terrified Heather calmed enough to tell her that she need to get the cubs into the car and keep them asleep.

After seeming to be satisfied that Heather could handle herself, Dallas walked up to the wolf trying to avoid looking around at the gore that Roddic had caused. "So, Roddic," The husky started. He looked glanced down, his eyes shifting rapidly back and forth as if trying to find the right words. Finally the silence between them was broke. "I will not say that I am not scared, because I am scared to hell. But I want to thank you. You saved my life and from the look of things you saved my family's life too, but now I have find my daughter. Are you going with us?"

The white wolf shook his head. "I am sorry. I have to find Nick. I think he might be in more danger than we are." The husky opened his mouth as if to ask something, but then seemed to think better of it and instead wrapped his arms around the white wolf in an embrace that seemed to say so much. Take care of yourself, it seemed to say. "Thank you, Roddic. You have done so much for us. I don't think I could ever repay you." Tears sparkled in the husky's eyes and Roddic had to choke back some of the salty drops himself.

"You can repay me by surviving. Now go. You have a family to protect and a daughter to find. I am going to Wal-Mart to stock up for supplies. Now go!" The husky turned and walked towards his Silver HHR. "And the weapons in the slider is yours. I have my magic, I don't need it half as much as you do." Roddic paused as he opened his car door, thinking that this may be the last time the wolf and the husky family see each other again. Then he slid into the driver seat and sighed.

"Well I think this is indeed the end of the world," commented Tomas as he materialized next to the wolf. Roddic jumped in surprise as he bashed his head against the roof of the car. "What do you mean?" Roddic asked.

"Well, according to my sources and my library, this mass demon occurrence has been unleashed as the end of days. This is the time that heaven and hell duke it out in the mother of all battles."

"And the magic users are going to be in the dead center of it," Roddic finished up for the gryphon. "So how do we stop it or at the least get the upper hand?"

"Well, all I could gather from the Text, is that must ‘unite and divide the seven pentacles.' That is a direct quote from the Text. So what are you going to do now?"

Roddic's gloved paws gripped the steering wheel, the white fur of the knuckles a deep contrast to the dark shade of the dark leather. "I am going to find Nick. He is the only one I know that can figure out what to do. I already have an idea that I know two ‘pentacles'." The gryphon's piercing green eyes lit up in wonder. "Who?"

 Roddic pulled off the gloves he never took off to reveal a glowing pentacle on the back of his paw. "It showed up at exactly midnight. I barely had to focus to control my magic. On top of that, it seems to be more powerful than when it ripped apart that rock golem."

Tomas was quiet for a few moments. "Alright, well I think it is time to let you go. I need to round up my area and you need to get to your friend."

Roddic forced a smile as the gryphon blinked out. The wolf started the car and threw it into reverse. The wolf spun it into a 180. He then flicked the shifter back into drive and punched the gas. This was going to be a long night and already started to become one hell of a trip.

I hoped you like begining. I am currently working hard on the next installment. Also, I still have room in upcoming chapters for other furs. E-mail me as [email protected] I would be happy to do a story trade for a pic of my furry. Everyone seems to want an arm and a leg and a tail. *mutter mutter mutter*